Outerra Engine > News

Battle.no interview

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For those interested, there's a new interview we did for battle.no, a gamer community portal in Norway.

C. Shawn Smith:
Very nice :).  And a well written Q&A as well.  Congratulations :)

Saw some interesting screenshots I hadn't seen before in that interview as well ;).  Love it.

Nice to see you're getting good press.

Love this screenshot too. :cool: Do you have a version of this in 1680x1050? :D


--- Quote from: RaikoRaufoss ---Nice to see you're getting good press.
Love this screenshot too. :cool: Do you have a version of this in 1680x1050? :D
--- End quote ---
Ya I liked this one the most in the article. Almost looks real.


--- Quote from: RaikoRaufoss ---Nice to see you're getting good press.
Love this screenshot too. :cool: Do you have a version of this in 1680x1050? :D
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately no, I took it somewhere in Himalayas just in 1280x720. Maybe I can find it again, but it's usually damn hard to happen to the same spot again :)


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