Levi, if you split the right and left wings into 8 sections each, we can work on the wingflex code in the fdm and animation files.
Right! I completely forgot about that

I'll try and see what can be done. I guess the ailerons will complicate the things a little...
But... 8 sections each? isn't that a bit too much? The wings on the A-380 are splitted in four sections each, and only three (the fourth one is connected to the fuselage) are rotating...
Youre splitted them ? ... i thought that was made by an armature based deformation ...
Yeah, on the A-380 the wings are splitted, but the rotations are based on two pivot points (one at the top, and one at the bottom of each section). This way, it's harder to notice the seams in between

With armature based deformation, things would have been much easier and better looking...