I've tried to use your example given but it is not working.
Right now i'm trying to spawn a basic object at the latlon 0,0, with 1km height which in the ECEF should be
x = 6370
y = 0
z = 0
http://www.oc.nps.edu/oc2902w/coord/llhxyz.htmThe pos looks to be a double3 which isn't a native javascript object as far as I know but i've tried both as
var pos = {
Which gives me a Error reading struct opening token fatal error
or simply as
var pos;
pos.x = 6379;
pos.y = 0;
pos.z = 0;
The rest of the code is as you provided
var world = $eview.$query_interface("ot::js::world.get");
var rot = 90;
var v = world.create_instance("outerra/ddg/ddg", pos, rot, false);
//Dynamic update? resetting val
Either it crashes or nothing happens. I've chosen the large ship, which in position 0.0 should be fairly easy to spot if something was being spawned in.
What am I doing wrong?
Any tips for selecting height to be waveheight in a given position?
I also tried taking the position from the IGC using
var igc = $eview.$query_interface("ot::js::igc.get");
var pos = igc.pos();
Which immediately crashes the software.