Outerra Tech Demo download. Help with graphics driver issues
Levi ... i can see that steam coming out of your hands and PC from Slovakia !
Magnificent quantitative work there ... whats the final plan in the numbers ? Or you just want to import all the models from World2XPlane you get your hands on ?
Have a look at my project for X-Plane 10 (http://www.world2xplane.com).
Category wise can you guys give some thought to era, there's going to be a need for building worlds of different industrial development, as well as location, is English, German, French, Fijian, Japanese etc village.
Nice job again, Levi!!I wonder if the relative scarcity of US buildings reflects that X-plane by default is filed with them.
Did I mention go to sleep? How fast can you do these conversions, now?I'm beginning to imagine you at the keyboard doing something like this: