When I first became interested in Outerra, I almost immediately began to wonder how to merge the technical excellence of X-Plane's systems and flight model with the visual beauty of Outerra. Not too very long after that, Cameni announced the means to use Outerra as a visual engine for other simulations, that is, simulations running separately, just using Outerra to present the world.
The problem with that, as mentioned before, is the difficulty of synchronizing terrain interaction. Both aircraft and world simulations would be using different terrain meshes, apples and oranges. This isn't a big deal in flight, and if one were flying a dirigible or a blimp, no problem. But when it comes time for aircraft landing gear to "touch down," in some cases the gear is going to sit on thin air, sometimes the aircraft could be buried up to the windscreen, or worse!
An enterprising fellow using X-Plane recently accomplished the feat of using Mars MOLA data to create an X-Plane 10 compatible terrain mesh for Mars. The terrain overlays the whole planet, and is deployed as "custom scenery" in the same way that another fellow deploys high resolution Earth terrain for X-Plane of his own creation. This got me thinking about terrain meshes again, and the solution to the apples and oranges problem of using Outerra as a visuals engine for X-Plane became clear!
I wonder if it would be possible to use the Outerra terrain mesh as a resource to generate an identical terrain mesh for X-Plane 10 that would be deployed as X-Plane "custom scenery," thus permitting coincident runways and terrain that aircraft could land on and be visually in near perfect contact with the ground.
X-Plane terrain generation tools are available to generate terrain meshes from text data. The only thing left is to acquire the means to somehow read the Outerra terrain mesh, and to convert it to text readable terrain tiles that could be translated into a form that the X-Plane terrain tools could use.
How much of a challenge might this be? That's the final thing to wonder. What do the Outerra intelligentsia think of this?
(Note: This requires two PC's for one simulation, one running Outerra, the other X-Plane, networked via X-Plane plugin and the Outerra external view capability).