Thanks, I found the camera coordinates and the reset function too so that is sortet
Regarding the scaling, I admit "way off" is little too harsh but it realy makes me feel like driving huge RC plane:)
I think the dimensions of OT models could be correct but Oculus probably won't display appropriate depth or something.
There is an excelent solution of this build into Flyinside plugin for FSX and P3D. The author of this program came up with the way how to adjust scailng without actually changing FOV so user can sort of stretch or shring the model until it feels right.
Just a small trick I'm using when tuning this is to look down on the chair in VC and then lift the rift and see the size of the real chair.
You can try this in OT with the Mig where you can compare the avatar's body with your own and you have to see the diference..
Honestly I think this is a big spoiler