I've got the same problem
I'm an idiot and i cant figure out how to change the roughness and the fo, do i change the .mtl in blender? or what
I'm not exactly sure
To change material properties, just go where the package is installed, and open the .mtl file in any text editor you want(notepad, notepad++...etc.).
e.g.: \Anteworld\packages\outerra\c172\c172ma.mtl
You'll something like this:
"version" : 512,
"mats" : [
"name" : "propeller_80",
"color" : "1.0,1.0,1.0,.988",
"f0" : ".039", <<<<-----------------You may want to change this....
"roughness" : ".8", <<<<-----------------...and this........
"no_light" : false,
"alpha_masked" : false,
"tex_albedo" : "propeller_80.dds",
"tex_normal" : "",
"tex_roughness" : "",
"tex_opacity" : "propeller_80_opacity.dds",
"tex_reflectance" : "",
"tex_environment" : ""
Then you manually change the parameters you want, save the file, and you're done