Hi I am new to Outerra and its an amazing game and I just bought it the other day I have a few questions@:
I want to remove some trees in an area because I want to make a place like my hometown and there are trees where they are not supposed to be. How do I remove them?
Also on a side note where do i put vehicles that have .otx and also where do I put objects that I want to place in my town. Thank you!
There is no real tree removal tool yet, but I use an "original material" road. You can also increase the transitional area value wich also removes trees (and smooth terrain) around a road node. You can also try to modify the tree distribution parameters in the athmospheric settings menu (the two last ones more specifically) to change tree distribution globaly.
.otx files are specific to Outerra, you can see them as an auto-installer. Click on the file and you will see a install dialog window appear

If they are not using an otx files, objects folders generally needs to be placed in the package directory (in