I eidité a video to help identify houses gramofonomanek, while averted my outstanding textures errors and mipmapping (increased speed rendering)
-Photoshop CS5
-NVIDIA Texture Tools for Adobe Photoshop: Photoshop plugin that can open and save dds textures.
-for The first texture
-Open Texture with photoshop> "Load using default sizes" and "Load MIP Maps"
'I may appear a warning message missing profile:> No change (do not color management)
He will open an image without mipmaps
-File> Save as file -sobreescribir
-In The window Nvidia dds format select the following and save:
· DXT5 ARG 8bpp / interpolated Alpha
· 2d texture
· Generate MipMaps activated-Close File
-Back To open the texture with photoshop> "Load using default sizes" and "Load MIP Maps"
Now'll see how were created Mipmaps.