Good Morning Everyone!
Okay. I seriously love Outerra and want to help in any way I can, to make it easier
for new users and old users alike to obtain Models, Textures, Tutorials, Etc...
As of late I have been importing Models into Outerra like a mad man. I would then
post the .OTX to the forums for other users to use. I got a Check Plus in sharing back
in pre-school. I browsed the forums for other models...Finding tons of amazing work!
Some near the front and some hidden within the threads near the back end. I thought to
myself, "There just has to be a better way to organize all of this great work."
So I used a domain name I had,, to setup a website with all of my models
nicely organized for anyone to download.
I have messaged a few other "Modelers and Importers," asking if it was okay to also publish
their models on the site, including credit to them for their work, and have already heard back
from a few who were totally cool with it!
I am off of work today and my son is at Daycare. SO I will be spending a large portion of my
day watching Movies and adding/organizing as many models as I can.
If I have not messaged you yet and you would like your models included, with full credit to you,
please comment here or send me a PM. I am also open to suggestions/help with the following:
- A better domain name for the site. I will register and pay for it, no problem. I just had sitting around doing nothing and used it.
- A better "Library Type" theme for wordpress. I am currently using the base model because
it is quite easy to add models quickly. But if anyone can recommend a more organized theme,
let me know.
- If anyone would like a USERNAME and PASSWORD, so they could add their models or other
work themselves, just shoot me a PM and you got it!
- Absolutely any other suggestions or ideas are welcome!
I hope everyone finds this useful and I hope to hear from everyone soon!
--Jeff aka...ANIMATEDSYN