Geographical coordinates of Port Arthur in various formats
Coordinates of Port Arthur Latitude, longitude Latitude, longitude with additional letters
In decimal format 38.8, 121.267 38.8N, 121.267E 38.8 s. w., 121.267 v. d.
In decimal degrees 38.8°, 121.267° 38.8°N, 121.267°E 38.8° S.w., 121.267° V. d.
In degrees and decimal minutes 38°48', 121°16.02' 38°48 NN, 121°16.02'E 38°48' s. w., 121°16.02' w. d.
In degrees, minutes and seconds 38°48'60", 121°16'1.2" 38°48'60" N, 121°16'1.2"E 38°48'60" s.w., 121°16'1.2" v. d
. This data can be used when working with GPS-navigators and cartographic Internet services Google Maps, Google Earth, Yandex.Maps, OpenStreetMap.
Where is Port Arthur located
The city of Port Arthur is located at 38.8 north latitude and 121.267 east longitude at an altitude of 5 meters above sea level.
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