
Edit :
After few additionnal tests, I think the water mesh method could be really good as a temporary solution for flight-sim oriented sceneries like mines. As mentionned previously, the Chapala mesh is really good but too big to be exploited simply.
I found a way to move it and manipulate it but the insane size of the model make it not usable in my case. Because rivers trend to slowly go downward, a mesh of this size will either :
- disapear under the terrain if placed at a lower level in the river
- flood everything under if placed in a higher location of the river
It's possible to modify the model orientation, but with a mesh of this size, a degree modification in the slope at the point of origin result of a hundred meters elevation at the other side of the model

I'm convinced it will be possible to get a good result with a limited set of various smaller mesh, even really simple (rectangles, circles - of different size), wich could be placed and oriented easily.
Would you be interested to expand your work in that direction ?