The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is a single-seat, twin-engine stealth ground-attack aircraft formerly operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) developed from the Have Blue technology demonstrator and produced by Lockheed's Skunk Works. It is the first operational aircraft to be designed around stealth technology.
This is an unofficial conversion for the F-117A Nighthawk from AlphaSim/Virtavia. The conversion is done with Phil Perrott's Permission at
Version 1.01 (
March 28, 2015)
- Updated lights to work with Outerra Version and newer
- Added a few more constants at the top of the script to turn certain group of lights on and off
- Added lag filter to flight control surfaces and to nose gear steering
- Added camera motion effects when the aircraft is on ground
- Script optimizations (from 1759 to 1286 lines)
Version 1.0 released on February 24, 2015
Warning: To avoid instrument vanishing, make sure you have
min_obj_size in
eng.cfg set to
1.0 or less.
- The code that display digits on the panels is an improved version of
Uriah's code (thank you for providing it). It's now shorter and much easier to add new numbers.
- New and better technique for making complex animations, such as the landing gear retraction, using axis integrators.
- Most of cockpit stuff such as buttons, switches, etc are completely remodeled, and other parts have been corrected and optimized.
- Number of textures have been drastically reduced from about 260, down to 28 (without gauges, which are 25 textures).
Some features:- Four versions:
Black | Carries two GBU-10 bombs.
Camo | Carries two GBU-31 bombs.
Grey | Carries two GBU-10 bombs.
StarsAndStripes | No weapons.
- Up to eight different camera positions (
use 'V' key).
- Avionics:
Radar Altimeter + red light on, when altitude above ground level is below 100 ft.
RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator).
Drift Angle Indicator.
Angle of attack (AoA) Indicator.
GForce Indicator.
Airspeed Indicator.
Vertical Speed Indicator.
Left MFD display - ADI data:
Heading rose + digits.
Right MFD display - ENG data:
Throttle position.
N1% (left & right engine) displayed in digits and bars.
N2% (left & right engine) displayed in digits and bars.
Engine panel:
N1% (left & right engine) displayed in digits.
N2% (left & right engine) displayed in digits.
Fuel quantity panel:
Total fuel displayed with a needle + digits.
Left & Right tank displayed in digits (This needs some changes though. There are 3 tanks in FDM, but the digits only shows the content in the left tank)
- Lighting System:
Note: You can turn most of the lights Off by editing the script (ALT+E). The Control panel for lights is located at the top of the script. Exterior:
Landing & Taxi Lights | Turned on only when gears are extended.
Rotary Beacon Light | Turned on only when gears are extended.
Navigation Lights.
Nav GPS blue light on.
Ambient green light.
Instrumentation/panels/gauges lights.
Canopy light.
Landing gear position lights | each light corresponds to the actual gear position.
Warning lights based on AoA and Overspeed(more than 536.177 knots).
Chute deployment && Jett. lights.
- Fully animated Landing Gear (
locked when the aircraft is on the ground).
- The maximum steering angle on the nose gear changes dynamically based on the aircraft's velocity.
This allows you to make sharp turns (87 degrees) at low speeds (very useful when taxiing).
At high speeds, this allows you to make precise corrections when taking off/landing, due to the limited steering angle.- Animated Flight Control Surfaces.
- Animated Cowl Flaps (closed at speeds above 40 knots).
- Extendable weapon racks (
use 'FLAPS' key).
- Working Drag Chute | FDM + deploy and wind (a fake and random one) animation. It deploys when all wheels on ground, throttle <= 10% and speed >= 50 knots.
- Animated Cockpit Controls:
Rudder Pedals.
Throttle lever.
Gears lever.
- Extendable Tailhook (waiting for extended keyboard functionality).
- Animated canopy + it's handle + shade flaps (
opens when the speed is less than 0.5 knots, and brakes are applied.)
- Sounds:
5 samples for each engine (when outside the cockpit).
4 samples for each engine (when inside the cockpit).
Cockpit electrical[?].
Gears (retract/extend).
Touch & Roll | a sound event for each wheel.
Release Video: