Many thanks! I'd love to get the A-4E into outerra, without question. Right now, we have our hands full trying to get all the pieces together just to make the Simple Flight Model work in-game. It's not a paid development, and I think that might be starting to wear the guys down a little bit, as they're having to balance IRL with the volunteering. Also, learning all these new skills, has led to everyone kind of dabbling on their own instead of pairing up to tackle difficult challenges in development. Add to the that the various degrees of OCD behavior, and you get the idea. A dozen direction, slowly crawling forward, or backwards in some cases ;P Really hoping to see things pick back up, but I'm broke myself, still got the Alpha of outerra, because I was researching procedural generation for about two weeks before Farlander dropped this in my lap, and $16 seems like a steal for planet Earth! Thanks again to Farlander for that, and I certainly will do everything in my power to utilize Outerra. It really seems like volunteer modding gigs are a huge time investment, so always looking for a creative way to add some financing, but I wanted to focus on teamwork first. Unfortunately sim pilots are fairly independent, and without fiscal incentive, I see IRL responsibilites tanking our critical mass. Even worse than toxic personalities, which come and go. Still, we started 2nd week in Janurary, and we've only just recently started to lose a little steam. I still think we'll have a strong update this month, and I look forward to getting a test model into Outerra to get some dirt on my hands!