Need I clarify again, we are talking about completely different subjects.
Functionality: Methods, interfaces, integrated physics, sensors, displays, transponders, etc.
Content: (assets) specific aircraft, vehicles, rockets, trains, etc...
I am NOT talking about content!What I AM talking about is the necessary functionality for each CLASS or TYPE of asset, 1. airplanes, 2. helicopters, 3. vehicles, 4. tanks, 5. watercraft, 6. trains, 7. rockets, 8. characters, 9. static objects (buildings), 10. animated/functional static objects (Aerodrome beacon, radio tower, animated building).
The functionality needs to be built to handle all of these types, and have each compatible with one another.
Content released by Outerra and by the community will fall into these categories, regardless if there is one of each type, for five hundred.
Examples of compatible functionality:Airplanes and helicopters needs to be able to land on watercraft and crash into buildings. (They currently don't because they rely on two separate physics engines which are not integrated)
Transponders need to be able to communicate between all assets in the world.
Radar needs to be able to detect both air and ground targets.
Cameras needs to be able to render to displays for all types of assets.
And we are going to aim for a combined aircraft/rails/trucks/watercraft/spacecraft simulator platform, not just to widen the potential user base but also because it's possible to do with OT and will be great 
As cameni said, Outerra's horizons are much wider than a traditional "flight simulator", and therefore the scope of the development needs to encompass all of the necessary
functionality. Content is a given, and in all likelihood Outerra will build one high fidelity asset of each type listed above. The assets currently included with Outerra; C172 (airplane), MiG-29 (jet), AH-64 (helicopter), SM11 and T817 (vehicles), Mercenary (character) and a number of buildings, represent a baseline of examples which the modding community or a developer can use as examples to build new content.
I hope that helps clarify things.