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Outerra Tech Demo download. Help with graphics driver issues

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Author Topic: demo ?  (Read 223587 times)


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« Reply #240 on: June 26, 2011, 09:36:17 am »

So is it still going to be a summer release in 2011? (like indicated in another thread)

I understand that the demo/alpha will be streaming p2p for the world? What will be the size of the base download? Can we get the entire dataset on a set of bluray or dvd? Will the entire dataset be seeded as a bitorrent?

How much will be the cost of the alpha/beta?


  • Brano Kemen
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« Reply #241 on: June 26, 2011, 11:24:34 am »

Should be the summer, unless we are derailed somehow.

Demo will use p2p for streaming of terrain data, Alpha (preorder) will use cloud servers to serve the data more reliably and quickly. We won't distribute the world data separately, but it should be downloadable via bittorent. Note though that the data will likely change in the course of time as better datasets are incorporated, and only the online service will be kept up to date.
Initial size will be around 14GB, with other datasets coming in it will possibly grow a few GBs.

The price for alpha will be similar to Minecraft and other games released this way (via preorders), but it's not yet definitely set.


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« Reply #242 on: July 02, 2011, 12:01:49 pm »

Excellent cameni, looking forward to it..
How is the northern part e.g. Norway (Scandinavia) terrain coming along?


  • Brano Kemen
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« Reply #243 on: July 02, 2011, 12:48:34 pm »

We already incorporated new terrain databases that contain also the northern parts, see the post about comparison of the old and new datasets

Here's also a comparison of what was there before and what's there now. An older request above 60° north:

Quote from: DaddyD
It would be great if you could take a screenshot of this mountain as well. It's the mountain that you can see in the horizon in the previous picture.

Coordinates for the mountain
63° 24′ 0″ N, 13° 5′ 0″ E

In the old dataset where the resolution up north was just 1km it looked like this:

Here's how it looks now:



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« Reply #244 on: July 04, 2011, 06:33:11 am »

Keeping my mouse pointer over PayPal button and in the meantime brushing up my C knowleadge. Mmmmmm. Though, let's have the demo after the summer, day is shorter and one has more time to play with it :>  :D  :D  :cool:


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« Reply #245 on: August 02, 2011, 04:24:26 pm »

Hi i just registered and i have to say this is very impressive and looks very good but when is it coming out?You said summer well its august 1 month is left from the summer.Can you tell us when is it coming?


  • Brano Kemen
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« Reply #246 on: August 02, 2011, 05:39:11 pm »

Welcome here.
Well, I said we would like to release something this summer, if everything goes right. But we won't rush it - we are still working hard on fixing issues with different graphics hardware and newly also with older Windows versions. Only when the major issues are fixed we will release a tech demo. We still believe it could be this "summer", but we don't guarantee it.


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« Reply #247 on: August 14, 2011, 06:24:35 pm »

The Outerra engine looks amazing thus far in the screenshots. I have loved the prospect of planet-wide rendering in some sort of simulator of a type. This looks like it really has that potential. However, most have come and gone as just screenshots and little more than vaporware. While I am thankful for your incredible work (from the screenshots) I believe your logic is somewhat flawed...

From what I see, you guys have been working on this for more than 2 years without putting out anything rather than pretty screenshots and videos. When asked about release it seems to always be too buggy or "this summer", etc. It seems that the Summer release has already been passed.

I believe the problem is that you guys want "perfection" for the demo release or not release anything at all. This is where your logic becomes flawed. People like me find videos of this amazing tech time and time again. After further investigation, it is nearly always vaporware that will never actually come out and has no sort of demo to try. The problem is that we move on, once again disappointed, and forget completely about your engine when the next video about planet wide rendering comes out on Youtube. People need something to play with and physically see for their interest to be kept. People don't expect zero-bugs when they download a demo--its part of what a demo is.

I personally can care less if something this awesome has a CTD once in a while or doesn't work completely right on a certain computer. I would still be amazed, and because I have something to play with (the demo) I can tell my friends how amazing it is. This means more publicity for you. I am not inclined to spread the word about this in its current state because it is vaporware in my mind.

This brings me to my next point. As of now you are two (I believe) people building an immense project that companies take many more people to make. How can you guys expect to find every bug on your own? No game releases without a larger test with many people and many different configurations. If you guys released the demo as is, you would have thousands and thousands of bug finders. 5000 people can find bugs a lot faster than 2. Without this, you'll only be releasing something that works on your computers, but not 4998 others.

And this finally brings me to the topic of "Minecraft" and its comparisons (indie, small developer, etc.). Minecraft has always been up for download ever since it first began. Notch (the dev of MC) did not wait until every bug was gone before releasing a demo (in which case we would still be waiting 2 years). Do you recall how buggy Minecraft was originally? It was nearly unplayable. But players didn't care. It was amazing and worth playing. The players reported bugs and before long it became the best selling indie game ever. The secret was always having something to play and show your friends what you have done.

Imagine if we only could see screenshots of Notch playing Minecraft for more than 2 years. They would look boring and not fun at all. From screenshots alone, Minecraft just looks like horrible graphics and trees. It was the demo that actually brought popularity. Please keep this in mind.

I hope you take no offense from my post and I apologize for its length. However, this is yet another "vaporware" project I have stumbled across that I will never be able to try. Sure, it looks cool, but I've seen 100s like it. None of them actually let me try, just look at pretty screenshots. From what it looks like, I'm just going to move on from an otherwise awesome project and ultimately forget about it like many others. You'll get some loyal people I'm sure, but the general public isn't interested in just screenshots.

Please prove me wrong. Once again, keep up the great work, it looks beautiful. But please reconsider your publicity tactics. I would be willing to pay $60+ on this engine alone, but only if I can try it myself--before I forget about it.


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« Reply #248 on: August 14, 2011, 07:09:55 pm »

Infinite: To focus on one of your points:

Yes, they want to release something decent and the MAIN reason why they haven't released yet, is because the ATI Drivers are buggy. We have seen the screenshots of what it would look like on all ATI cards, and it isn't pretty, I can assure you.

Secondly, Notch, and other indie-devs, released a game (and a pretty simply one, let's admit that). These guys are working on a full-scale planetary engine, which started out as a hobby as well.

Lastly, I think they are close to a first release. There is absolutely no point in putting pressure on the devs, I trust that they know what they are doing.

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« Reply #249 on: August 14, 2011, 09:59:21 pm »

Not to mention the fact that most games (and I stress here, GAMES) take two to three years for development before even a Closed Beta is offered to the community.  I've seen many a game go five years without a beta.

These guys are working on an engine with the hopes of developing a game that will show off its features.  They just as well could have not put this site online, and we wouldn't know anything about it today, until they were ready to release an alpha demo.

I think we've been lucky that we've been able to see the potential of what they are trying to accomplish, and I for one will never presume to debate their decisions on withholding a demo release.  If nothing, I think that this has created enough "hype" that leaves most of the active followers drooling with anticipation, and the fact that the developers answer honestly to the questions from the community speaks even more volume to their dedication.

Patience, my friend, is a virtue.  Even though the alpha demo might not be released until the end of this year, I'm still going to have to wait another year or two before what I want this engine for will start seeing development.  I'm content with that, even though it'll leave me biting my nails until then.  At least I'll have the time to work on the project the engine is destined for in the meantime :)
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There is no spoon -- Neo, The Matrix
The Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. -- Carl Sagan
Outerra is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be. -- Me :)
- Yes, I'm still around ... just been busy with other projects ;)


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« Reply #250 on: August 15, 2011, 09:10:21 am »

He does have a point though, I'm inclined to say it doesn't matter how buggy a tech preview release would be. Yes, even if it wouldn't run on half the computers out there (ATI, and I have one of those myself), but you have to put the real thing into people's hands.

If you are at a stage where it runs as seen in your videos (on nVidia hardware), you are able to drive vehicles around, and you have some sort of fast fly thingy, then people don't need anything more for now. Even if it crashes every 30 mins, so what. It's a tech preview, nothing more. Something to play with and get excited about its potential, not its exact current state.


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« Reply #251 on: August 16, 2011, 05:50:21 am »

corona, I have the same opinion... Better to have something, than nothing. Of course somebody wants to wait years, to get fully functional version without bugs. Those customers are just so scared of tech demo versions...
I think that public tech demo may help developer to solve the problems much faster, than trying to solve them alone.


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« Reply #252 on: August 16, 2011, 07:21:33 am »

Why your postings have such an enforcing character? That seems very egoistic and unfair. You are trying to increase the pressure for enforcing a demo release. It doesnt matter how many features will be supported. The only thing which is interesting is the demo release for you. That annoys me.. -.-

Thats my opinion and has nothing to do with the developers opinion (camenis post would be more diplomatical):
Its not your project and so just the developers have to decide when, if, how and where they will release a demo. They owe you nothing. So just sit down and wait. You didnt contribute anything (but ideas) and thats why you dont have the option to increase the pressure.

I think that public tech demo may help developer to solve the problems much faster, than trying to solve them alone.

Why it should? They also have an 24h day. Maybe they'll find bugs faster, but that has nothing to do with solving them.


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« Reply #253 on: August 16, 2011, 07:52:38 am »

A public tech demo release would help developers to find bugs faster. But in this stage of development, they are very well aware which bugs need fixing. So no, a public release wouldn't speed up development.

Also, think about it as a developer who has spent years working on a project. Releasing after all this much work, would STILL piss off half the community, having ATI cards. A first impression is very important, and this really wouldn't be a good start for Outerra.


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« Reply #254 on: August 16, 2011, 05:39:59 pm »

Quote from: Tottel
Releasing after all this much work, would STILL piss off half the community, having ATI cards. A first impression is very important, and this really wouldn't be a good start for Outerra.
Is it difficult to write a large red colored text before and after the download link: This demo will not work on ATI cards!
So, let them sell their buggy ATI cards and then to buy right ones.  =) Who cares.

Quote from: necro
Why your postings have such an enforcing character? That seems very egoistic and unfair. You are trying to increase the pressure for enforcing a demo release. It doesnt matter how many features will be supported. The only thing which is interesting is the demo release for you. That annoys me.. -.-
Yes, that's true. They must do like I say, because I know what is better for me.
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