Is great that you are doing this, Pyton!!! Guess all this technical info is for having accurate animations, right?
One question about the pipeline. The 3d modeller have to deliver the plane to the programmer with the right animations, and then the programmer create the algorithms for the activation in the desired moment?
... nah, all animations will be mathematical, but i like to have such info for modeling purposes - making slats, ailerons, and the trims on elevators is a little tricky thing in aircraft modelling - wing gets slimmer to its end and giving the origin point for its rotation on the right place is a real fight with Blender ... ill see, why its taken so much of a deal compared to vehicles due to this. ... animations will be done only after porting into OT and i just want the angles to check the origin placing rightly.
FANTASTIC WORK PYTONPAGO, AS ALWAYS !! is a nice plane, when we can fly ??
... ehmm ... a year ?

I want to finish UVs at the ural, try to get finally to the bone of its engine script and this is right now just a thing i jump on, when the main work makes me mad (i cant work too long on a single thing). Doe, i surelly want it fly, cause i LOVE that plane (actually, when i was in main-school, i wanted to fly the older version baby´s in our army, but they were expelled from the army just as i should go to middle-school

(and after not even a proper decade in SVK service)). Maybe, if it goes well, i make the older 25-ver. too, for some slovak and czech regiments paintings, cause they were the most re-painted ones in the world (cause they were re-located a lot after the fall of SSSR, once after CSR fell apart to CR and SVK and than 3 (or 4 ?) times when they couldnt decide on their main air-base location).

This one is just funny with that sad shark-mouth - just a minor crash, pilot ascendet too fast and broke the right wheel (left followed after a couple of meters). But those maschines are sturdy as hell ...

... interesting is, it was CSR, witch publicly showed photos of them in one of the big local aviation magazines, whyle they were top secretly used in Afghanistan and NATO didnt had a clue of theyr design till that happened.