Hi there,
I agree with you in general. As you know I'm working with KW71 on the Apache for Outerra, so sometimes it is just necessary not to release during development, as this is an official release, and has many surprises, some of which I haven't even told you about!

Regardless, even if I don't release an entire package, I've done my best to share certain pieces of JavaScript code with people, such as code to calculate azimuth and elevation angles from two ECEF coordinates with ZZZ for his turret targeting script, etc. I've redoubled my efforts to share developments recently as well, and completely understand what you're saying about keeping the development attitude going in the right direction. Openness and transparency are two words which come to mind.
And on that issue we need to ensure user support has its own place and doesn't create too much 'noise' with the development forum... Nothing makes people go under ground quicker than a series of posts from irate users demanding their rights.
You must be talking about the
Support and Updates board!

Once we release the Apache I'll be providing a complete Flight Manual and Technical Documentation providing detailed information on how to implement all of the features I've developed for it.
I have to disagree with you on one thing, that is "big bang" releases as you put it. But that's just because I have a serious perfectionist complex, and have a very hard time releasing un-finished work, so that's simply a personal habit. The only reason I even released the UH-60 Black Hawk is because I wanted to demonstrate the navigation HSI system I developed, and had nothing to implement it on. Otherwise I would never released such a terrible 3d model.

As for the Delta IV Heavy rocket, I just can't bring myself to release it until I have time to finish the 3d model and building flight models for rockets always crashes JSB, no matter what I do, and I've had an extremely difficult time the FDM for the Delta IV.

In terms of open development, I am all for it. One thing that is difficult for me is working with/ collaborating with people is using the forum boards as the primary means of communication, because it isn't in real-time. This is why I add people I'm working on Skype, and why I recently requested cameni to setup the
#outerra IRC channel on the forum so we could exchange communications in real-time while keeping it public, with
permanent public logs of the conversations which take place there. I know the IRC channel isn't the best means of communication, but it works for now, and giucam setup the permanent logs for us so everything is recorded and there is a level of transparency, e.g. don't say it if you don't want it public.

I'm usually on the IRC channel, if I am awake, and it would sure be nice if more people dropped by!
Best regards,