Thanks for finding that Pyton! I'll contact Hlynkacg to determine if it is possible to do a conversion for Outerra. There are some roadblocks to using his code, but it could be made into a plugin or I'll have to re-write it.
Good point Simon

, the Moon, and all the planets for that matter, have data available which can be used to create worlds for OT.
Outerra worked on Mars at one point, but the problem was the projection system of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and the Viking color imagery is out of alignment. Also, the Viking imagery and isn't diffuse albedo so shadows on craters, mountains and cliffs are baked into the texture.

I attempted to fix the alignment using co-registration software, and get terrible results no matter how many register tracking points I use. It seems I need to find software to convert the Viking imagery raw data into the same projection as the DEM. The moon DEM and color imagery are in the same projection system so there are no such problems, but the shadows are just as bad, if not worse than Mars. I'll save this discussion for another thread in the near future.
