First off,
I got outerra yesterday. After a very short time i am certain this is an absolute gem.
A little intro,
I am a real world pilot, the FAA gave me this fancy little expensive card that says i have a PPL. Also i'm an earlier F-16 service mechanic (assistant, hehe) and i started off flying gliders when i was 15.
I am a die hard fllight sim enthusiast (yes die hard)
Im not comparing sizes or anything, but id say i'm fairly experienced in the world of armchair pilots. I'v had my fair share of fsx, xplane, dcs and so on. I loved the Microsoft series, but unfortunately fsx is starting to show its age, at least for me.
Im sure theres a lot of other people from the flightsim community on here too, and i really hope so.
Outerra has so much incredible potential. I definitely think this is the future platform for flight sims. Nothing else can really compare. I have never felt so much immersion while flying virtually, even though outerra is still fairly basic in that dept. There are so many questions to ask, at least for me. Il try to keep this short.
Is there any current plans to implement autogen? houses, roads etc? I know x plane uses world street map, how difficult is it to add this to outerra for example?
How complex would it be to add a weather tool? Allowing to change wind speeds and direction etc.?
I have tried the alphasim f-117, and i wounder, does virtavia have strict copyright rules? They have a ton of aircraft that im sure could be made available for outerra. The fact that x plane and fsx aircraft are being importert is a really great thing!
What kind of coding is required to create navaids such as VOR, DME, ILS and so on. Im sure this is something that is a bit well complicated to implement.
I really hope that the big flight sim devs will take a good look at outerra and realize its potential.
I do not want to be one of those guys who just requests features and aircraft and just hope and wait for something to happen. I want to be a part of helping develop outerra into a realistic flightsim. I understand that this is a long process that probably will take a long time to achieve. Unfortunately i have no experience in coding etc. but i really want to be able to contribute. I want to learn how to create 3D models and learn the challenging task of creating flight models. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction?
I cannot offer much, but what i can offer is my experience, if there are any devs out there that need a hand in research or what have you, il be glad to help out and take all the advice i can.
I also understand that outerra has great potential other than a flight sim. Imagine having an old sailing vessel, and sailing to the Americas, without all the buildings, civilization, etc, using the tradewinds. It should be called Christopher Columbus simulator 2015. (Just my thoughts) And not to mention spaceflight..