Какая позиция для камеры более корректная?
... i dont know if optical effects will be in game ... both the collimator and the optics have a magnification and without it its not much of a thing right now ... ill do the crosshair and colimator dot (to be adjustable too), but right now its OK as you did it.
I made the ammo boxes for the three main munition types for the ZU-23-2 (БЗТ, ФЗТ and ОФЗТ). All have also collision meshes :
... the wooden crates have special bones (pivot placements) where you can spawn the metal boxes in. So you can put them in there by script. The metal ones also have several meshes to play with - "closed, "open, "3-rows of munition, 2"rows of munition, "1row of munition and "empty so you can take out the munition by 7 pieces out. The cartridge itself has all three bullet types and you can hide aether the casing for having just the bullet, or the bullet to have the casing fly out of the guns ...
... im working also on the magazine, ill have it as a separate object too and have some 3-stage munition rows in them too, and also an ammo belt and loader. But that will take a little more ... once that all is done, the ZU-23 will be practically finished in the model way.
Get here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3ZscF0ox2AGalhwVDdLYlRISUE/view?usp=sharing P.S.: I just now found out you can hide meshes in the editor menu ... great thing there !