Ahh ... just owerlooked the map-design.

Than its all OK.
It may look dull for some people to clear out stuff the Rainbow six way, but in reality ... well, lets just say its impossible to imitate situations like Beslan and others were, but there were not much games to topple the real tenseness of such to this day, when smarts must fight adrenalin and fear. -- Serious (just like some guys play armaII whyte real procedure and communication) group online play may be the real place it could show itself in all its potential ...
(dont be stagered to see them shoot first in some scenes - the shown tactics are from the "situation gone bad" type, when the foes possibly already killed hostages and holding to the last man - something those guys possibly had their share of already in dagestan or in chechen campains (are used as military assets in war too))