Outerra Engine > News
NEWS ON TITANIM - A video showing off JTAC module
I just bumped into this and, what can I said, I haven't been so hyped about something in a while. This is all obviously meant for military use, the interfaces and what not are all probably tailor for that and not regular controllers (keyboard+m, pad or even flight joysticks), but it does give us an idea of what it will end up being.
There is also another neat video showing off Outerra's scale capabilities.
The rest of the videos on his channel are either unrelated (ie: a documentary of Seventh) or show a GAU-17 simulator equipment.
It is nice to find some new stuff, if this was already posted, feel free to delete the thread, I couldn't find it anywhere on the forum.
--- Quote ---It is nice to find some new stuff, if this was already posted, feel free to delete the thread, I couldn't find it anywhere on the forum.
--- End quote ---
There is already a TitanIM thread, but I guess a mod can merge these two if multi-threads should be avoided.
Some parts of the first video were already in the TitanIM presentation one, but it's indeed the first time the full segment is visible :)
BTW, the owner of the channel (David Lagettie) is Titan CEO.
--- Quote from: Acetone on November 20, 2015, 04:13:45 am ---
--- Quote ---It is nice to find some new stuff, if this was already posted, feel free to delete the thread, I couldn't find it anywhere on the forum.
--- End quote ---
BTW, the owner of the channel (David Lagettie) is Titan CEO.
--- End quote ---
He should get somebody to do a better video!!! As I was watching it, all I kept thinking was that I could do better. :o =D
No real TitanIm thread, so I post this one here:
Video is not listed but Titan CEO shared it on Twitter, so I guess it's ok.
Interesting rope physics.
And of course this instantly makes me think of tow cables for Gliders..........
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