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Author Topic: Performance testing  (Read 111532 times)


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Re: Performance testing
« Reply #45 on: October 17, 2016, 05:34:09 pm »

I am using a gtx 660 and my outerra Fps are in the very limit already..
But i want to jump to 2k monitor. So i will need a new card.  I am between gtx 1060 6g, or radeon rx 480 8 gb (they are in the similar price). 
I am reading and reading and its very dificult to take a decision between those cards.
1060 runs cooler and eat less watts, Also is very small, and all of that i like.. But maybe 480 is more power.
What you people would say?
But i think Outerra work better with nvidia cards? or i am wrong? The tests here show better performace from 960 compared to 380. But i dont know how is this in fps.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 11:32:06 pm by josem75 »


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Re: Performance testing
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2016, 06:26:59 am »

Nvidia cards perform better in OT for some reason, most likely because of the drivers that may have some problem with OT specific rendering. Currently I've got 480 here and it runs slower than 7970 I had before, but the analysis and testing didn't yield any explanation yet. It may get better once we figure out what's going on, but for now all newer AMD cards do not run that well.


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Re: Performance testing
« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2016, 07:39:49 am »

Nvidia cards perform better in OT for some reason, most likely because of the drivers that may have some problem with OT specific rendering. Currently I've got 480 here and it runs slower than 7970 I had before, but the analysis and testing didn't yield any explanation yet. It may get better once we figure out what's going on, but for now all newer AMD cards do not run that well.

Thank you for the aclaration. One big point for nvidia then :)  I guess 1060 will perform nicely at 2k with all in high.
Amd 480 has more brute force int erms of bandwich memory. Coverall if compare with 1060 6 gb after you spend the first 3 (i think the badwich for the other three is slower).
But anyway the performance is huge in a 1060.
Another good point for amd was the freesync (cheaper than nvidia g-sync monitors). But normally i am more a nvidia guy..
I have also a 280x, i am waiting for fan replacement. I will test it in 2k. If performance is not that ugly, maybe i keep it. And wait for volta (but i think maybe 280x is not enough for fluid 2k).
If not, i sell both cards and go for 1060 "Rait nao"...
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 07:50:14 am by josem75 »
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