Bleah. I'm waiting for the Pascal GPU's
Im also waiting for Pascal. My monitor just broke and i was thinking in a Big 40" 4k Desktop for my job (i need a big desktop or multiple screen, and i think big desktop is much more elegant solution).
But two problems here right now.. Cant find any tv full chroma 4:4:4 4k/60 Hz in less than 500/600 € . We had some interesting models below 400 (some Panasonic) , but doing 4:2:2 and read text in certain moments will be tricky..
And a Card necesary for handle a simple game in 4k with decent framerate would be a very expensive 980 (and not doing so great).
So i decided take some other Monitor for wait 6 months/1 year and then jump to 4k. No sense in Spend 500 in a 980 with Pascal out after this next summer, when i will pay something similar for much more.
Or maybe i will pay less, because i hope Pascal generation be full compatible with 4k, so the "1060" ?? models would be enough for play, even if not at maximum rates like with a 1080 or new pascal titans... (Or maybe i am dreaming, i readed Pascal performance jump will be really huge).
Also i hope we can find more tv 4k full chroma in below 500 in 2016.