I came back from work now and I turned on the computer to read this shocking news ...
File Sail_boat.andfly.otx It contained a virus and was removed.

I immediately blocked the download of the sailboat OTX file and started the appropriate inspections ...
I scanned with antivirus the "Sail_boat.andfly.otx" file in my computer and downloaded file in Google Drive (Microsoft Defender ... maybe is not the best ...) and I have not gotten any response troubling.
I installed and run "Norton Security Scan" and, excepting the obvious solicitation to buy one of their most complete and powerful product because my computer, in their view, is not protected in a secure, I have not yet received any alarming warning on file concerned.
I scanned the file using the service Metascan Online (leans to 43 different anti-virus) and I have found no fault ...
I'm really puzzled ......
In recent weeks my computer worked perfectly and did not give me any of viral infections suspected in place ....
I hope, with all my heart, that this is a "false positive" ... he says the friend aWac9 (whom I thank very much for the speed with which you are interested in this fact) and the "offending" file is completely sure.
However I can not risk it.
Tonight I shall undertake a full and detailed scanning of the entire computer with the anti-virus and, if you still will not get worrying signs, only tomorrow will set it online the address to download the model.
The idea of having spread, even if unintentionally, a computer virus infection, makes me shudder, it is not something to consider lightly.
I apologize to all users if I have created problems, and I invite all those who have already downloaded the "Sail_boat.andfly.otx" file to pay close attention and to inform me promptly if they notice the possibility of an infection.
Thank you all for your attention andfly