Relief maps to this resolution are intended for infrastructure, digital maps are very detailed in three dimensions and are extra, although it may have interesting facts that are free ..

AW3DTM map AW3DTM uses a digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of five meters and uses some three million images taken by the ALOS satellite Japan Aerospace Agency (JAXA), manufactured by Daichi.
Tenerife -Islas Canarias

So far we had projects ranging from 90, 70 to 30 m. among others as the ASTE Gdem project.
The promoters of the project, NTT DATA the Center for Remote Sensing Technology Japan (RESTEC) They have now announced that they have completed coverage of this 3D mapping service, which now covers even Antarctica (albeit partially).
They are financed by selling maps, and leaves about 200 yen (1.50 €) The km2 although it can reach 40 euros per square kilometer recreations also included in vector format map of buildings and structures in 3D with resolutions between 2 and 0.5 meters.
Price list is very detailed and has a different price € 120 km2

source: the Spanish daily