OpenCL is a "computing language", but we are primarily dealing with graphics. We could use OpenCL for some parts, but there's additional penalty for context switching between OpenGL and OpenCL, so unless it brings a serious advantage we don't need it. I thought I will be surely using either CUDA or OpenCL for the new terrain mapping tool. But then it turned out that I could use our existing system and build it on top of OpenGL just fine. So, effectively we don't feel any pressure and need.
But it's not like we would
switch to OpenCL, it's either DX11, or OpenGL+OpenCL. But as I said, we don't need the computing capability at the moment, or better said - computing capabilities of pure OpenGL 3.3 suffice us.
Well, flightsimmers

What I was referring to is the urge to have every detail copied from RL, exactly. FPS gamers mostly don't care if the world they play in is an exact copy of something, as long as it's fun and a believable setting. But a significant portion of simmers ultimately want a copy of RL so they can continue with their hobby.
Otherwise, they are not that much demanding .. they are just not that easy to satisfy