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Author Topic: Outerra becoming moody  (Read 51319 times)


  • Brano Kemen
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Re: Outerra becoming moody
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2016, 07:57:12 am »

I know that lakes are a whole different can of worms, being based on variable sea level while this shares more with roads, but how does this impact areas where lakes connect with rivers? Do the rivers just end where the lakes begin? And for that matter, can these smoothly connect with other rivers and/or the ocean? I'm sorry if I seem inquisitive, I'm just curious as to how much is happening here.

Lakes and large rivers will use a different system (even though currently large rivers are done with vectors as well), where the water height is stored in terrain data. Smaller rivers (<50m or so) will be just vector data that connect to water surface of lakes and seas.
River data do not have to end when they encounter lakes, because they tend to describe ship paths. Lakes will likely override any rendering effects though.


  • Brano Kemen
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Re: Outerra becoming moody
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2016, 08:02:38 am »

I like very nice.
It will not be useful if,, Corps of Engineers US Army has made available to users a spreadsheet program on courses of rivers, etc .. cuadal HEC-RAS download is free and can help solve some calculations that may be necessary in outerra ..


Thanks for an interesting link. If I understand it correctly, this is only for water simulation. In general, in OT we aren't simulating these things, but using data that describe existing water paths and their parameters. OSM isn't the best quality and consistency, so we have to apply tons of filtering and heuristics ...


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Re: Outerra becoming moody
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2016, 08:47:04 am »

A nice stream I found in the forest (tweaking OSM import and river rendering).

Looking cool.
Those can be TORRENTS!

Usually empty of water and made from grey/white rocks and sediments.
With some tweaks you can use this algorithm for them. Saying average deep, wide, and changing the bed with some rock maybe. 

A Torrents tool was always in my suggestions list. (some day i will post propperly if have some time).
And also tracks tool. Those little "roads" we see in the mountains. Sometimes natural by animals and sometimes by man.

My idea should be a tool modified from road (This you show can be a perfect begining for torrents and paths both), where you draw them using the real map superposition in Outerra. You can fill manually any mountain with paths and torrents (because this data is not avaible in osm or other vector source).
A system for upload this vector data from users would be covering more areas of the world step by step. Data can have divisions by areas, so a user can fill a total area which system can recognyze, without duplicating job between users.

Dont know if its dificult to implement upload data systems like that. But can be useful for more things in the future.
I say paths and torrents because they are a very important part of how some mouintains area look in real...  If you imagine outerra big area with those accidents draw on them, the change in realism is dramatic.

PD: You can make torrents having the ability of transport water after a time raining.. )
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 09:15:46 am by josem75 »


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Re: Outerra becoming moody
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2016, 09:05:30 am »

A really fast tool, with one trace only which you just follow through the accidents with all the parameters setup previously. So you can fill a big area mountain really fast. Maybe with the ability of change wide in the mouse wheel for change wide of actual accident you are drawing without needing quit the draw for re-setup anything..


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Re: Outerra becoming moody
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2016, 01:08:34 pm »

Like I mentioned on twitter, it needs dark mud and half buried rocks at the bottom of the banks.  Maybe even a little bit of lighter spots of sand in places as well.
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