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Author Topic: Diving to the Core  (Read 7918 times)

Occams Razer

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Diving to the Core
« on: July 14, 2017, 09:09:32 pm »

I've just had a gander into Outerra's core files, and it looks like there are some interesting assets that aren't being used at present. Included are:
  • A dartboard projectile, complete with two separately colored dart projectiles (competitive multiplayer stuff?)
  • A spear projectile
  • References to a small array of alternate characters, to include a horse

This means the features/content in question are either: A. old testing stuff left over from things the devs were trying out but that never made it particularly far, or B. new or newer testing stuff indicating still-work-in-progress features that are likely to enter an upcoming update. I guess the million-dollar question is: how old is this content, exactly?


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Re: Diving to the Core
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2017, 10:28:19 pm »

A target and arrow are already in use, I just forget what key it is to use them.
"Perhaps this speaks to some larger trend within society today...  A prevailing desire on the part of indie developers to recreate the entire world into one where you can charge more than $15 for your game design degree coursework." - Yahtzee ;) :P