I state that I am not a great expert.
I did not know JavaScript, and 3D modeling very little, until I discovered Outerra.
I fell in love and wanted to "be there."
So I downloaded some manual from the Web and I "forced" to learn how to take advantage of this wonderful world and I learned just enough to build my models.
However I think I can help a little ...
When you import a model in Outerra is created ".objdef" file, in the latest versions, it includes the definition: "strict": true,
Apparently, in "strict", is not allowed the use of "const" and models created with older versions (which made use of the constants) cause an error.
It is easy to fix:
Unless we change, "strict": false, in ".objdef" file.
Or it changes "const" with "var".
Maybe it's better the second option because the mode "strict" should carry out a more rigorous grammar checking on the code, and this is still a good thing.
(You will notice that the ".objdef" file of the SM11, even if it is a default model, does not contain references to "strict mode" because it was written, and maintained that, for an earlier version).
As for the movement ... I have to raise my arms:
I have not yet built ground vehicle models with wheels and I have not examined the subject ...
The only small additional tip is to make sure you tell the program the definition of the wheels with the name by which it was imported.
You are obtained with the command "this.add_wheel ( 'XXX', wheelparam);"
Instead of "XXX" You must write the name by which the wheel has been defined in the graphics file (or any other name if, when importing, you have changed the name).
In this way the command: "this.animate_wheels ();" should make the wheels turn, transmit the force on the ground and to advance the vehicle.
And then one other link:
http://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=1946.0It posted a long time ago but, in basic things, still relevant.
For more specific and particular problems I leave the floor to modders more experienced than me.
You continue to ask if you get stuck.
Surely someone will answer you!
Still good job and have fun!