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Author Topic: Telescope suggestion.  (Read 15723 times)


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Telescope suggestion.
« on: July 06, 2017, 12:51:42 am »

Hi, I would like to suggest adding a zoom feature, to simulate using a telescope.

Because Outerra is curved like a ball, objects (ships for example) will dip below the horizon at a certain distance away from the observer, dependent upon on their altitude.

I don't believe that on earth this actually happens, which is one reason that I'm a flat earther. With this zoom function I could be able to do tests to show how curvature works on a sphere with a circumference of 25,000 miles.


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2017, 01:09:20 am »

You can already do that by reducing fov in settings.
But let's be honest, we all know that Cameni is being sponsored by the secret global government to make us believe that the Earth is not flat, amirite? :----DDDDDD


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2017, 01:28:04 am »

When I imagine how much time we are spending to implement everything for a spherical world, and how much simpler it would be on a flat one, I sometimes wish I wasn't a part of this conspiracy ...


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2017, 03:49:59 am »

Hi bmende,

In my opinion, you should do some testing before using Outerra for scientific purposes. It's often pointless to go for a demonstration without first hand data or observations.
It's often recommended for new astronomy and sightseeing enthusiasts to use a pair of binoculars first with a tripod (for perfect image stability). These can be used by day too, and are much easier to setup than any type of telescope. Binoculars like these: http://www.telescope.com/Binoculars/Astronomy-Binoculars/Orion-15x70-Astronomy-Binoculars-with-Tripod-Adapter/c/5/sc/72/p/99637.uts + a decent tripod and you'll be ready to test your theories through simple observation.
With that you can look at some of the most visible objects in the night sky, or do some simple testing, like choosing a location where you can look at the Moon near the horizon, see what type or relief is blocking your view and, using a simple compass and a map, check if there is any mountain range in that general direction. No trick here, after all, it's just glass lenses and common sense.

I'm sure you'll find some interesting observations, or, at least, some nice views of the night sky.


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 12:04:11 pm »

Just lol....
"Perhaps this speaks to some larger trend within society today...  A prevailing desire on the part of indie developers to recreate the entire world into one where you can charge more than $15 for your game design degree coursework." - Yahtzee ;) :P


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2017, 10:10:52 pm »

Hi bmende,

In my opinion, you should do some testing before using Outerra for scientific purposes. It's often pointless to go for a demonstration without first hand data or observations.
It's often recommended for new astronomy and sightseeing enthusiasts to use a pair of binoculars first with a tripod (for perfect image stability). These can be used by day too, and are much easier to setup than any type of telescope. Binoculars like these: http://www.telescope.com/Binoculars/Astronomy-Binoculars/Orion-15x70-Astronomy-Binoculars-with-Tripod-Adapter/c/5/sc/72/p/99637.uts + a decent tripod and you'll be ready to test your theories through simple observation.

Hi Acetone, thank you very much for the suggestions. I have actually done testing myself using a 70 MM Refractor telescope, though those binoculars look really cool though I might get a pair sometime.

I use the refractor scope to test the earth's curvature by determining at what distance objects appear to "dip below the horizon." Many people have done tests like these and determined that (on Earth)  we can see much further than curvature allows. I wish I could show my own testing but I haven't recorded my results yet. Here's someone else's, ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RXbEhkLt3U.

I have to say it is very rare for me to put a flat earth post on the web somewhere and not immediately receive many insults. They will doubtless come but for now I say thank you all.  It sounds like there haven't been many flat earthers here yet so I just want to attempt to assure everyone that I am not a troll, but I do actually believe the earth is flat. Thanks : ).
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 10:13:58 pm by bmende »


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2017, 10:20:36 pm »

Well, I didn't mean to make that youtube preview so big, I really just meant to drop the link so please condense it if desired.

I'm guessing that planet Outerra currently doesn't rotate. But if it does I was curious if you all have been able to make the stars work right. There's a claim in the fe community that the daily rotating stars would only work on a globe if the observer was right in the middle on the north pole, but that it wouldn't work like that on, say the equator. I've always been curious about that...


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2017, 11:37:17 pm »

Ya think Lumpmen are Flat Earthers?...
"Perhaps this speaks to some larger trend within society today...  A prevailing desire on the part of indie developers to recreate the entire world into one where you can charge more than $15 for your game design degree coursework." - Yahtzee ;) :P


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2017, 12:25:05 am »

You can't really test your theory accurately in Outerra, since it doesn't account for atmospheric refraction which is among the reasons of what is actually happening in the video.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 06:46:12 am by DenisJ »


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2017, 06:48:14 am »

Hm, bmende,
How to express that.

As you said, people on this forum are polite because you are the first of your specimen to come here. We didn't had to deal with the crowd of dementia fueled paranoiacs magically popping under every youtube video where a slight curvature of earth can be observed. You came here honest and polite and this is respected.

It doesn't change the fact that (and looking at the reaction of the various fellow outerrans posting here, I'm not the only one), your opinions and "scientific" protocol are bonkers. You seems like a good chap, so no one here is going to lay anything more violent than a sensible chuckle.

Now, I provided you a valid protocol to test your ideas, and one even working no matter what your considerations are for the nature of this world. Two (really) distant referential, a map, a bearing, what's beyond the two. Simple. But it doesn't matter. I could bring up the non-linearity of the day-night cycle in different parts of the world and you would say it's not a proof, maybe that the sun is smaller than we think, a spot going over some parts of the world and not others.

It's a lost cause and I know it. So I won't try to change that, considering you are more interested by this quest of truth than a factual observation of the world, because this world can be very difficult to grasp sometimes and it's reassuring to think you are on to something, that everyone was wrong and you are right, because, and let's admit it, it feels good to think you carry a truth with some others like minded. Everyone does it, at different scale, for different things. Believing the earth is flat is just a rather extremist version of that process. One that could lead you always further, because you need to find "proofs", so there is always this ounce of doubt you can validate.

So I won't try no longer to change your opinion.

However, you are welcome to not post this non-sense here.
The Outerra initiative is a very serious organization and we know earth is not flat.

It's a quadrilateralized spherical cube, as demonstrated in this picture:

See? It fits perfectly:

Don't forget, if a concept can essentially be manipulated for unknown reasons to convince the major part of the population, it means the very opposite concept you try to prove can be equally forged. So everything is false, and it doesn't matter.
But earth is truly a quadrilateralized spherical cube, that's a fact.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 10:22:45 am by Acetone »


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2017, 01:59:21 pm »

Acetone. Thanks for cutting with this thread. He said it well and explained it better.
Sooner or later, this would have gone wrong or maybe ... like goats.
Absurd issues do not interest, let's leave that for the movies.
Let me close the box office with an early stargate.



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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2017, 03:28:13 pm »

Let me close the box office with an early stargate.
hahahaha... =D =D =D
"Es gibt nur eine Sünde, die gegen die ganze Menschheit mit allen ihren Geschlechtern begangen
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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2017, 12:01:56 am »

Hm, bmende,
How to express that.

Thank you for your considerations. I would like to say first that your meme is really a nice depiction I think of what you are trying to express.

Flat earth is a stretch for anyone's imagination. I'll say that I would've never been able to consider it until someone pointed out to me from example that the bible is a geocentric world, rather than heliocentric. I couldn't deny the book-chapter-verse that was pointed out to me, specifically from Psalms 19 and Joshua 10. It was enough for me at least to check it out, enough to just question the idea that the earth revolves around the sun. Could it ever be the other way around? I never had any personal experience to say no.

I could really go on and on with this subject, but that was really all it took for me. It only took me a few days of research for my whole world to change. yt is a very good outlet (fe society is controlled).

I don't want to say much more, but here's an interesting thought I think is worth sharing...

I was watching a space Outerra demonstration on YouTube. The one where you can go back and forth from earth, to mars, and to the moon I think it was. You got a lot of people on there commenting about how this could be made into a space documentary. And I would have to say that I agree! The cgi engine's beautiful. You throw in a good scientist or two talking about their latest in black hole research or whatever and people would love it. But if you were to try and make a doc about the deep oceans, or say,  the jungles of Africa with something like Outerra, it would just be ridiculous. People would get so bored and wonder why you aren't showing actual real footage...

Now we supposedly got thousands of satellites out there and it's 2017, and, well, not much has changed.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 12:05:18 am by bmende »


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2017, 03:12:31 am »

Ah, of course it would be also religion based, why it didn't occur to me. Who else filters all arguments in support of an idea ...
We keep hearing about flat-earthers as if they were some mad group of kids that suddenly decided they had nothing better to do, but obviously you get these predominantly from certain cultures and countries.

I was watching a space Outerra demonstration on YouTube. The one where you can go back and forth from earth, to mars, and to the moon I think it was. You got a lot of people on there commenting about how this could be made into a space documentary. And I would have to say that I agree! The cgi engine's beautiful. You throw in a good scientist or two talking about their latest in black hole research or whatever and people would love it. But if you were to try and make a doc about the deep oceans, or say,  the jungles of Africa with something like Outerra, it would just be ridiculous. People would get so bored and wonder why you aren't showing actual real footage...

Now we supposedly got thousands of satellites out there and it's 2017, and, well, not much has changed.

This immediately gave me an idea: what would a jungle documentary or a deep ocean one look like if the camera carrier was an extremely low power device for that domain, and could be only carried along a trajectory with the lowest energy loss. Say a balloon flying above the jungle, and you try to make a footage about what's it like in the jungle. Or a submarine that can only get carried by ocean currents high above the seabed and you wanted to see what ocean life is like. I mean, it would be obviously so boring after the first episode, even if you increasingly carried more expensive and heavier hardware allowing you to zoom in and detect infrared bands and reconstruct what you see through the occluding medium. It would quickly become of interest only to scientists.

But that's not what I wanted to say, just a prelude to another observation.

It's interesting from a psychological point of view. I know and worked with a guy who has got a conspiracist mind; he had a tendency to believe in several of the more sophisticated conspiracies, though he wasn't the most devout one as he was in a constant conflict with his more logical part of his brains.
While working with him, I was surprised to learn that this line of thinking applied to everything, not just the remote conspiracies. If there was a slightly oddly manifesting bug in the code, he would not think of the most logical explanation and test that first. No, he automatically conceived some absurd cause first, that everyone else would reject without thinking because of other consequences it would have to have, but this guy could not rest until he tested his idea, like he got a dose of absurdrenaline that moved him then. Most of the time it of course didn't work and he came up with something else, but boy what a waste of time it was even if eventually he came to the right conclusion. The worst was when his way of testing the absurd idea was somehow flawed too, and showed a positive result - he'd get all energized up and impossible to stop, adding tests and if these failed, coming up with more weird explanations heaped on top of the first one. Madness, and remember this was about code bugs and not the Moon landings.

But he could not help it. He was intelligent, but his mind always came up with absurdities first, even after so many partial failures. In programming it's comparatively easier to dispel these, in real life one cannot that easily verify the causes. Even in the above example - one can imagine that with enough determination you could eventually make an amateur jungle or deep ocean documentary with the resources at hand to an average person, but not for the space. This is, apparently, where the sickness of mind can thrive and spread.


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Re: Telescope suggestion.
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2017, 05:49:52 am »

If someone can not believe the fact that the earth is a sphere, he can literally doubt everything.
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