No I didn't mean a performance problem, just the variety of interiors being limited by algorithmic depth. But if you are primarily interested in it to extend the game play possibilities, then it may not matter that much.
In that case, I do not see a problem. Please, please, please add them to Outerra!!

If you are in doubt, discard them. Identical interiors do not look beautiful, but it allows you to use them in gameplay purposes. For example, as in Arma 3 (ambush in buildings) or 7 Days to Die (search loot, collection of resources in houses). Besides this, the idea that I can enter any house is pleasant, even realizing that all houses are the same inside. I agree with
Jagerbomber: "It's still better to have it than to not."
I'm tormented by the question: when will cities, roads and other data from OpenStreetMaps be added to the Outerra engine, will they be available for those who bought Anteworld alpha? Can we see this on our computers? My doubts arose when I remembered that Anteworld, according to his concept, talks about the settling of an empty abandoned planet.
Well, there are digital warriors and there are digital discoverer. I am the latter and I like variety most.
I see no reason why this will interfere with the discovering of the world. The player can ignore the opportunity to enter buildings, as if they did not have interiors. For this player nothing changes.
I hate game restrictions. Outerra seems like a project that tries to get rid of any restrictions and prohibitions: go wherever you want, before you the whole Earth! Even if the interior generator will create the same interior space, I still like it more than the prohibition to enter buildings. Because I love freedom. I love Outerra for her striving to give freedom