Since today outerra crashes immediately after the startscreen. Windows gives error message "Nvidia driver has stopped working .......". Here is windows crashreport. Unable to use outerra anymore

. I did a clean uninstall of nvidia drivers (419.35-desktop-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql-rp.exe) using display driver uninstaller then reinstalled a previous version (416.34-desktop-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql.exe)..both gave me no problems before. Now even after reinstalling drivers I still have outerra crashing on startup. I use win7 64 bit since many years and outerra worked flawlessly before today. The whole problem started today after I had edited a javascript file of one of my models. Since I can't believe it depends on this i cannot imagine what suddenly happened. Othe rprograms such as DCS or FSX still work fine also blender rendering works fine. Seems just a problem of outerra. By the way is there a way to install the previous outerra version ? I'd like to reinstall but I can't find a download link for it.
Firma problema:
Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
Nome applicazione: outerra.exe
Versione applicazione:
Timestamp applicazione: 5c88bb6a
Nome modulo con errori: nvoglv32.DLL
Versione modulo con errori:
Timestamp modulo con errori: 5bbe7b79
Codice eccezione: 40000015
Offset eccezione: 00c1d9a9
Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040
Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 0b2b
Ulteriori informazioni 2: 0b2b848b7f3a29257ba410c118fd432f
Ulteriori informazioni 3: c10f
Ulteriori informazioni 4: c10fe9b6304af31781cfc7119622a078
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