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Author Topic: Sardinia (italy) beach resort scenery ...with real life soundscape  (Read 12797 times)


  • Outerra Master Modder
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This is a small demonstrative scenery around the small beach resort of Tortoli in Sardinia island (italy), showcasing the possibilities of
custom placed sound sources in outerra
, made by using the "soundscape" tool.
The particularity of this scenery is not its visual appeal - as I sketched it just rapidly- but rather the custom sounds added to the scenery, making up a very real sound environment.
A short video with a small part of the new sounds is posted here:

Download the scenery from below and carefully read the installation instructions.
Note a manual installation process is preferred here instead of an otx file for the reasons explained below.
After installation access the scenery by pressing the F2 key and typing "tortoli italy"

For the custom soundscape to be active the scenery contains a "soundscape" vehicle, which is the tool that allows the custom sounds to be
added and placed in the scenery. It appears as a big "boombox" located on the road towards the parking lot at Tortoli main harbour (where the big ship is anchored obviously).
Another boombox is located on the small island where a soldier plays harp. Strange but true.

To activate the "soundscape" find the boombox and then "enter" it as you would do with a vehicle.
Exit and you should hear the custom sounds, which completely alter the local sound environment.
By the way if you can't find the boombox you can also spawn one wherever you like from the F2 vehicles menu, looking for "soundscape".

A note about sound volumes: I suggest you to set in the outerra sound menu environment sounds to 100 and vehicle sounds to 50. The custom sounds will become louder if you increase the vehicle sounds as
the soundscape is created by a "vehicle" script. The volume of these custum sounds relative to the volume of outerra vehicles instead must be set inside the javascript file of "soundscape" but  you probably won't need to change
this as I have set it so that the new custom sounds are reasonably proportioned with respect to outerra vehicle sounds. And don't forget to enable binaural sounds as this gives the sounds their directionality !!

A note about the "visuals" of the scenery:

While I could have done a demonstrative scenery by just using the outerra default building and vehicle objects,
to give the scenery a bit of a "kick", I have placed some nice models from different outerra users
(previously published on the forum) to associate my sounds with some more interesting situation.
The models included are from Bob425, deathevor, ferda, giucam, Levi, Kane98, mLichy, murkz, newS, Oskiek ,pedro,
PytonPago, Rudeboy1988, thejeffcallaway and all credit for these wondeful models goes to them. With their models it becomes very easy to build nice sceneries rapidly and I encourage you to do so.

Note that streetlights can be switched on by going close to them and "entering" them as for vehicles (see https://forum.outerra.com/index.php?topic=3888.0). They will then illuminate after dusk so you can enjoy the nightlife in Tortoli as well  ;)

A detailed list of the models included is given below.

Since the scenery will show these objects only if the models are installed,
you need to install the models unless you have them installed already.
To verify please compare the contents of your C:\Users\...username...\Outerra\packages folder with the list of models given below and then copy
all those you don't have already installed.
Note: I  forgot to include some models (will fix this eventually) so you will get some initial error messages saying that some models don't exits. Don't worry. It just means that you wont see a few

A big word of caution about installation of models is apprioriate here :

If you have any of the below listed models already installed you don't need to install them once more.
Installing the version provided in the archive overwrites yours and might leave you with an older version of the model.
Also it will overwrite any changes you might have made to the model as the original creator or user to improve
its functonality or aspect (modification of javascript or textures or sounds or whatever)

download the scenery from here



very important: before installing anything make backups of the following folders

C:\Users\...username...\Outerra\packages                contains user models

"C:\Users\...username...\Outerra\cache"                 contains info on object placement and terrain/roads modifications etc.

The scenery is installed in two steps

1) copy the "cache" folder into


accepting overwrite. Overwriting will affect only a small region around Tortoli (about 100 km) of earth7 and leave everything else untouched.

2) copy the contents of packages into


Enjoy !

P.S.: I will publish detailed instructions on how to edit the soundscape shortly, but experienced users can already experiment with their own custom sounds
by editing the audio files of "soundscape/sounds" folder inside C:\Users\...username...\Outerra\packages\fly77  and having a look at the soundscape.js file which contains the list of sounds, their locations (in earth centered coordinates)
, sound volumes and attenuation distances. Any of these can be changed easily. Note that earth centered coordinates of any point in the scenery can be read inside the outerra scenery editor and copy-pasted into the javascript text file. Moreover you might also try to add new sounds in the soundscape.js, just remember to update the number_of_sounds variables at the beginning of the init_chassis() section. Also note that soundfiles need be "mono".

models inlcuded in the scenery
|   \---Mersey
|   \---Balloon
|   \---pierW1
|   +---barrier 
|   |       
|   +---bike1
|   |       
|   +---bottle
|   |       
|   +---illumination
|   |       
|   +---light-strip3f
|   |       
|   +---light-strip4b
|   |       
|   +---light-strip4c
|   |       
|   +---light-strip4d
|   |       
|   +---light-strip4e
|   |       
|   +---Oldchair
|   |       
|   +---soundscape
|   |           
|   +---wooden watch tower-Marco
|   |       
|   \---WoodenHut
|   |
|   \---bmwM3
|   |
|   +---Corolla
|   |       
|   \---Durango
|   |
|   \---Ilyushin_Il14P 

|   |
|   \---Belair
|   |
|   +---200L_with_stand
|   |       
|   +---barrier
|   |       
|   \---Bench Seat

|   |
|   +---cottage04
|   |       
|   +---cottage05
|   |       
|   +---Scania_BDF_axi_static
|   |       
|   +---Scania_BDF_DHL
|   |       
|   +---Scania_BDF_DHL_static
|   |       
|   +---Scania_BDF_UPS
|   |       
|   \---Scania_BDF_wht
|   |
|   \---Volkswagen Golf
|   |
|   +---Sign_DoNotEnter
|   |       
|   \---Sign_Stop

|   |
|   \---ZU-23-2_AAGun
|   |
|   +---PATK_fence
|   |
|   \---PATK_sign1

« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 06:16:05 am by fly77 »


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Re: Sardinia beach resort scenery ...with real life soundscape
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2019, 06:35:08 pm »

good job fly77. Thanks for your time.


  • Outerra Master Modder
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Re: Sardinia beach resort scenery ...with real life soundscape
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2019, 03:17:48 am »

Happy you like it. I'll post more detailed instructions on how to use the "soundscape" tool soon.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 05:08:50 am by fly77 »


  • Outerra Master Modder
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Re: Sardinia (italy) beach resort scenery ...with real life soundscape
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2019, 06:18:36 am »

Updated sardinia soundscape.. Custom sounds now change with time of day, windspeed and rainfall.Added new windsounds. Corrected also relative volume of outerra vehicles and custom sounds.

Please redownload just the "soundscape" package from here: https://www.dropbox.com/home/outerra%20my%20mods/tortoli/packages/fly77. Install by coping it into C:\Users\...username...\Outerra\packages\fly77...Accept overwrite. .

Explore the effects by changing time and weather conditions in outerra. Set outerra soundvolumes to 100 for ambient sounds and 50 for vehicles for exploring the soundscape.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 06:35:58 am by fly77 »


  • Outerra Master Modder
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Re: Sardinia (italy) beach resort scenery ...with real life soundscape
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2019, 12:18:41 pm »

finally here is my post giving download link for the soundscape tool to create your own sound landscapes and detailed explanations on how to create them
