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Outerra Tech Demo download. Help with graphics driver issues

Author Topic: Airplane texture and windscreen allways show snow-flakes  (Read 5788 times)


  • Outerra Master Modder
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Airplane texture and windscreen allways show snow-flakes
« on: March 19, 2019, 05:13:47 pm »

After having fiddled with snowlevel (lowering it) I now have allways snowflakes on windows of airplanes and mirrors of some vehicles and the mig-29, even if I set them back to higher values. Its very annoying. How to set back to normal the screens ? here are my eng.cfg settings and here my eng.log  file   https://www.dropbox.com/s/aj9que0au00dimb/eng.log?dl=0

Code: [Select]
num_jobproc_threads = 1,
renderer_config = {
screen_width = 2560,
screen_height = 1080,
fullscreen = false,
swap_interval = 0,
msaa = 1,
debug_opengl = false,
debug_async = true,
refresh_rate = 60
videos_dir = "C:/Users/novelchip/Outerra\videos",
screenshots_dir = "C:/Users/novelchip/Outerra\screenshots",
terrain_shadows = true,
tree_shadows = true,
wnd_x_pos = 0,
wnd_y_pos = 0,
wnd_hide_titlebar = true,
mouse_exclusive = false,
sim_mode = false,
fov = 83.599998,
fov_v_separate = 0.0,
proj = 0,
enable_hid_logging = false,
enable_jsbsim_logging = false,
mouse_sensitivity = 1.0,
joy_sensitivity = 1.0,
mouse_invert = false,
flightmode_invert = true,
pause_in_sandbox = true,
debug_keys = false,
cfg-version = 10447,
bloom_power = 0.03,
bloom_threshold = 1.0,
min_obj_size = 5.0,
sound = {
global = 1.0,
ambient = 1.0,
vehicle = 0.5,
effect = 0.09,
music = 1.0,
hrtf = true
use_hmd = false,
video = 1,
ssao_quality = 2,
shadow_quality = 2,
stereo = {
eye_separation = 0.064,
convergence = 0.1,
reduce_grass = false,
force_hrtf = true,
stereo_type = 0,
swap_sides = false
controller = {
pan_min_angle = {
x = -1.570796,
y = -0.785398
pan_max_angle = {
x = 1.570796,
y = 0.785398
panning_speed = {
x = 0.01,
y = 0.01
view_min_angle = {
x = -1.570796,
y = -0.785398
view_max_angle = {
x = 1.570796,
y = 0.785398
view_delay = 0.1,
fm_roll_coef = 0.4,
fm_turn_coef = 1.25,
fm_turn_delay = 4.0,
fm_filter_delay = 0.5,
um_filter_delay = 0.02,
hmd_turn_coef = 1.0,
hmd_pitch_coef = 0.2,
vr_ufo_pitch = false,
vr_mouse_pitch = false,
vr_ufo_ref = 2,
vr_fps_ref = 3
perf_report = {
enabled = false,
sync = false,
ui = 5.0,
scene = 5.0,
world = 5.0,
ext = 5.0,
rungc = 0
pkg_limits = {
max_meshes = 4
disable_log_popup = false,
img_cache_slice_size = 2048,
img_cache_num_slices = 2,
loglevel = "info"
« Last Edit: March 19, 2019, 05:57:52 pm by fly77 »


  • Outerra Master Modder
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Re: Airplane texture and windscreen allways show snow-flakes
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2019, 03:21:09 am »

I did ALT+F8 as suggested by KW71 on another post and the problem disappear. Thanks to KW71.