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Author Topic: Map for testing tile allocation  (Read 45881 times)


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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2011, 11:32:46 am »

The location I'm looking at has iron to help with the bomb making  :D

Although, this brings up a question for cameni that I thought of not too long ago (and I haven't seen any topics about it).  How will resources work?  Wood and water seems pretty obvious, but what about things like iron, uranium, bauxite, etc.?  Or is there be just a generic "resource"?


  • Brano Kemen
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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2011, 04:04:05 pm »

Probably will be divided into some groups. Basic construction materials, organic matter for fuels and food, precious metals and rare earth elements for hi-tech, radioactive isotopes for generators ... some of these could be extractable only after upgrading the separator, and so on.

Does anybody know of a game (RTS?) that could be taken for an inspiration here?


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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2011, 06:37:34 pm »

The only game that I've seen that had different resources and were accurately set on a map is the board game Empire Builder.  It only covers the US, Mexico, and parts of Canada.  There are also versions for Europe, Japan, and I believe Australia.  I don't know how accurate those versions are.  Yeah, it's pretty limited, and other than Medieval: Total War (limited resources, not sure on accuracy) and Railroad Tycoon (several different resources, but randomly placed), I don't know of any computer game that has resources.


  • Brano Kemen
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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2011, 09:41:53 am »

A selection shown in engine:



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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2011, 04:35:51 pm »

Quote from: cameni
A selection shown in engine:

Nicely done !  ;)


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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2011, 07:09:35 pm »

Damn it.. That last square touches Nehw Jerwseee. I hate Nehw Jerwseee
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C. Shawn Smith

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Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2011, 07:22:46 pm »

Quote from: ZeosPantera
Damn it.. That last square touches Nehw Jerwseee. I hate Nehw Jerwseee

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Re: Map for testing tile allocation
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2012, 12:38:44 pm »

Does anybody know of a game (RTS?) that could be taken for an inspiration here?

Dont know much about an such complex RTS, so my mind version is like this: a massive building and reaction strategy combined whyte logistics maybe in tycoon-type way. In fact, there are a great number of things in any of its aspects:
  - Building - Many strategies may have a simple resource based building process, mainly a single-resource (Command and conquer type| or a simple resource combination (Warcraft whyte 4-resource type base|. I allways had a feeling of an resource quantity lack in games like this, mainly in the Age of Empire strategies (every evolution stage had a relevant and somewhat unbalanced resource-needs|. There would be a great thing to make an near realistic quantitative portions of various resources (in older ages just an couple of rocks and metal ore, in modern ages the needs for running the society/work in progress should be exponentially greater and more uncommon resources needed| - the older ages/technologies would use more solid energy sources, more actual material and have an great efficiency lack, modern ones would use more sofisticated power sources (el. energy trough machinery, geothermals, subparticle-alien-future like energy sources|. Wile the sources are scattered and theyr need is greater, where some other positivities come up: 
 - excessive need of exploring the enviroment (an great plus mainly in the Outerra offer there is|
 - need of reaction between various other sides/nations/unions/species, that may have some of the sources in minor ownage and/or some specific sources nowhere else to find (would be capable to use even as a reason for a concrete mission to do|.
 - a little more real and complex strategy thinking development.
Of course there will be Base (wood, stone, metal ...|, minor (cole, oil, some other less common metals, mierals ...| and extraordinary resources (uranium, gold, silver, crystals ...|, while the combination of them is needed in every product and building regarding to its character in a more realistic manner. More machinery (more metal, some uncommon metals, gold and crystals for electronics in the more sofisticated ones|, more building (more rock wood, minerals, then some metal later on| and whyte greater objects/higher ages ewen in more quantity .... for substitute structures/vehicles needing more uncommon and specific materials, so the trades are rolling.
In this regards, the building itself doesnt need any much construction requirements out of the resources, that should finally change from a man in stoneage, to the need of producing more and more eficient and capable building machinery, maybe some special building cranes for extra high constructions, or even whyte some substituents (no need to have a hi-hight crane, if there is an lifting-heli Mi-26-style| and those would need some resources and other building needs too (also older ones use more oil/cole and it takes longer to build|... (and why destroying the enemy ones, when you can use/capture them ?  ;D| ... and of course some storage and transportation needs in it (mining in one place, massive transportation via road/train air to the facility/storage| also the building and other units too, to save oil|.

 - boundaries - that would out of the resource side have the recent and long-term goals for each nation/side. Maybe even technologies-sharing due to coalitions or infrastructure (roads, transportation means (no need to have the planes if the neighbour has them|| or resource(mines or storages| sharing capability.

 - units - witch should be actually a base to the planed model-integration planed. A game constructed to have a good base for adding new buildings, vehicles and maybe special resources, whyle the definition of its type would be taken into function (adding an new construction vehicle defining its function, resources-needs as an aspect of the model itself (maybe in the adding process a new window pops up and demands those parameters, indexing them to the model and/or substitutes some of the existing in the function|, that the game just reads and applies|. That will be a good start for a more detailed and tactics required thinking and gameplay ...
Mostly war strategies suffers from variations and tactics binded to them (just infantry units are inner-defensive, airborne, nawy, motorized, special troops/operations and all of them share some of the specifics  anti-tank, heavy-machine ...| all whyte some specifics that gives them some + and - in tactical engagement.
The most seen is this problem maybe in World in Conflict, where little diversity and engagement ways were posible.

At the same time it could be in the future even database-based: Any addon/game would not have the the need to have those models, it they can be downloaded or used for them from this database, just the indexes for those models would in the other game give some other parameters/reactions to them, specific to the game needs. Whyle the addon-tool would make it easy to add new ones needed for that specific project.

 - Wartime - finally, the mass-units side was already comented, the main other side is logictics around those units, that in my opinion had an great extend in Blitzkrieg and a little more extended in "Противостояние: Принуждение к миру" adding to the shortages of munitions even gas-need (for global transportation also, if not electricity-powered| for every unit and killing  some of the crew under fire in lighter-armored vehicles + repairs + medics. Still maybe white the need of towing/pulling/pushing destroyed/damage units out of routes ...
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.

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