That window to set initial aircraft parameters looks very interesting... So by following the t817 example I decided I try adding a config folder to the cessna. I found that the necessary files are in outerra /anteworld/www folder
So I created a "config" folder inside the Cessna folder and added inside the "aircraft.html" + "ot-slider-raw-css.css" + "outerra-theme.css" files + the "css" and "js" folders copied from www folder as they seem needed.
Then modified the javascript of the Cessna including a code line : return {config: "config/aircraft.html"}; to the initialize-reload function.
Then by pressing key "t" I can open the config window from within the Cessna and set the sliders..also closing the window leaves the plane alive.The only problem is that I do not see any effect on the plane.
Also each time I touch a control in the opened config window outerra gives me FATAL errors in the eng_log
23:09:47.036 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000947:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(31)] onfocus
23:09:47.036 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000947:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(31)] onfocus
23:09:49.929 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000949:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(31)] onfocus
23:09:49.930 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000949:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(31)] onfocus
23:09:51.345 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000951:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(31)] onfocus
23:09:51.345 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000951:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(31)] onfocus
23:09:55.007 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000955:INFO:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(35)] onblur
23:09:55.007 WARNING: (c4e) [0630/000955:ERROR:aircraft.html?width=400&height=300(53)] Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on_scenario_close'
I guess FATAL is not good

Then I found another way to bring up the config window which is written actually in the outerra help menu..where it says key tilde for initial airplane configuration..on my keyboard this is actually key "@" and it indeed opens the config window of the cessna and now as I touch the sliders indeed they have an effect on the plane position/attitude...BUT as soon as I close the window the Cessna position is frozen into place !!
While some parts of it still seem to react (for instance the joke still reacts to my joystick and flaps values ract to keyboard)..but the position is frozen. The plane can't be reactivated in any way while outerra is still working. Even ctrl+alt+R doesn't work. By looking at the eng_log I have the following error messages which I don't understand
23:07:48.268 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000748:INFO:aircraft.html?name=Aircraft%20Scenario&width=800&height=222&transparent=true(31)] onfocus
23:07:48.268 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000748:INFO:aircraft.html?name=Aircraft%20Scenario&width=800&height=222&transparent=true(31)] onfocus
23:07:50.674 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000750:INFO:aircraft.html?name=Aircraft%20Scenario&width=800&height=222&transparent=true(31)] onfocus
23:07:50.674 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000750:INFO:aircraft.html?name=Aircraft%20Scenario&width=800&height=222&transparent=true(31)] onfocus
23:07:53.257 FATAL: (c4e) [0630/000753:INFO:aircraft.html?name=Aircraft%20Scenario&width=800&height=222&transparent=true(35)] onblur
So the question is how to "make it react to the sliders" and "keep plane alive" ?

Any hint ?