To be honest , when flying in a plane we will probably not notice so much all those minor defects of the 3D MS bing-maps photoscenery ,simply because of the motion and because we'll fly at least 50 m above ground most of the times I guess. By watching the videos therse seem to be like two ideal flightheights: either below maybe 200 m were you don't notice the defects because of your speed or well above say 500 m so that you don't notice so much the "broccoli" nature of the trees. That broccoli appearance is frankly speaking "a little" disturbing. Devs should do better.
Anyway it will be for sure an exciting flightsim.
Still for a "world simulator" - which encompasses all domains, air/sea/ground/underwater..and underground - tunnels (and caves ? ) - outerra can't be matched by anything yet.