I just found your snow ball game and harvester.

These show existing engine capabilities. They are more advanced than one of Cameni statements implied.
We can do a survival game relatively easily. It would require Lots of modeling and a UI would be needed but I have bender, etc.
It would require: A UI ideally with 4 layers:
User info and world view. Day Z minimalism. health, hydration, food, comfort, held item, closest item in interaction volume or 'what your looking at'.
Inventory and crafting. 4 by 10 grid for loot plus 5 crafting slots = three inputs, 1 out put, 1 byproduct. 3 buttons for other menu. [I already have a survival tech tree worked out.]
Character equipment and Stats/ skills screen.
Hints, setting, exit, and tutorial screen. All 4 screens would have a close button and buttons for the other three.
Would resources. Like the coins in snow ball you have bushes, logs, flowers, crop patches, rock & scrap piles. And cows, We have cows! Search these for resources.
With Tool equipped you can knock down small trees spawning a log. "Harvest" building for scrap. Bigger better tools = bigger tree, bigger log, bigger lootable piles. Resources yield a spent flag, a location tag/list to stop you looting the same place over and over.
Build structures including quarry, mine, etc.
Build garage that spawns/ rebuilds vehicles for big harvest, bigger construction.
Build entertainment, quarters, story and end game buildings. Re build civilization.
I already have a story arc and end game planned out that would fit in the world. Very few world changes needed.
It is called Abdicated. Humans have been uploaded to virtual worlds for ~1000+ years. Something has gone wrong. You have been sent to the real world to fix the hardware and start with nothing but a robe in a run down medical facility. Your information about the real world is somewhat out of date!