And already .... you are not wrong ...
Well, my post, actually it was just a thought that tormented me for a long time and I kept for myself because, rightly, what right would I ever have to discuss on the orientation of a product on which I had no right to interfere except that, extremely evanescent, of passion?
If you had known Outerra from the beginning (I really discovered it in 2013 but it was enough) you would have had an idea similar to mine (maybe).
The vehicles that could be used were mainly military vehicles, the native interactive possibilities concerned the ability to explode the ground and create craters, one of the powerful springs that guided the development was the possibility of projecting the environment in an enveloping way and then the use of VR with the Oculus, as if to consolidate the impression of an end of "training".
The revelation of the agreement with TITANIM had seemed to me the natural epilogue of an orientation already natively planned.
Will it be paranoia? Maybe ... however it is irrelevant because it concerns only a personal impression that has no weight and does not intend to have it!
And anyway, I underline it, no intention of criticism! Just a simple observation.
And then ... TITANIM deals with war and, while perfectly understanding the necessity, does not get my immediate sympathy.
What I supposed the end of the TITANIM affair had (selfishly) reassured me because I believed that the duties of assistance, due by contract to this company, were the cause of the slowdown in development.
Luckily it wasn't like that !!!
Probably the Outerra team can still count on monetary revenues that will allow its existence and development.
I only had a little bitter taste left and this time I was unable to hold back ...
I'll be more careful ...
But, I said, you are not entirely wrong.
Indeed Outerra is still a very peaceful environment, too peaceful.
In his post, cameni, he talks about upcoming "scriptable scenery objects, character stuff etc.", probably something will start to move ...
At the same time, I believe it is extremely right, indeed beautiful, that those who have the ability to create mods for this environment dedicate themselves to something lively and exciting, which keeps interest high, which poses obstacles to overcome, which tickles the mind and, in short, , which amuses.
Your work on destructible buildings, for example, is exceptional (and I'm not saying it just to say).
Build the individual sections with the collision characteristics, put them together in a stable way, program the ability to suffer external stresses when they are stronger than those of stability ... high class ...
And if it takes a weapon to give the incipit ... welcome!
A good cannon shot at the right time is what it takes to liven up a boring afternoon !!!
I don't hate weapons and explosions, although I like them less and less, but I think that nature is capable, as it has always done, of posing obstacles and interests to human beings in an equal, if not superior, way to those battlefield.
And then it seems that it is more "natural" to overcome the "natural" difficulties rather than those created by other human beings like us who are awake even at night just to invent the most effective equipment to kill you.
In the mountains there are landslides and avalanches ... sharks and octopuses in the sea, hungry animals everywhere who would like to turn you into an appetizer ... and then volcanoes, cyclones, earthquakes .. etc ..
True, they are not easy simulations and a good cannon (in Outerra there is also the special API: explosion) for now is more immediate.
So let's use cannon shots ... until there is something more exciting ...