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Author Topic: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle  (Read 37553 times)


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2020, 07:57:59 am »

I apologize ...

By distraction I had included in the HELP folder the Manuals of the model in "pub" format (of Office / Publisher) instead of the final files in "pdf" format.
The link to the manual alone was also wrong in the same way.

Now I have fixed the mistake ...
The links and files are correct.

More excuses .............   :-[
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2020, 08:34:45 am »

Any chance I could interest you in the Avatar Scorpion ?
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2020, 03:25:24 am »

Any chance I could interest you in the Avatar Scorpion ?

Hi,  bomber   :)

Unfortunately I fear that my spare time is drastically decreasing ...
I don't feel able to engage, now, in new programs on Outerra ...

Waiting for better times ....  :(
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2020, 08:26:45 am »

No problems....just thought I'd ask
"If anyone ever tells you anything about an aeroplane which is so bloody complicated you can't understand it, take it from me - it's all balls" - R J Mitchell


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2020, 05:30:26 am »

No problems....just thought I'd ask

 :) :) :)
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2020, 07:54:33 am »

@andfly your scripting ability is way beyond my skillset. While I may not understand any script you wrote, at least I get to play around with some modelling and you can say I got way carried away  :facepalm: :facepalm:


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2020, 10:11:14 am »

Fantastic !
Your character looks appalled!

It almost looks like he saw a ufo ....  ::)
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2020, 04:23:58 am »

Hi andfly !

I found out your magic trick for the digital displays !  ;) Its what I was suspecting ...not sure if I can reveal it. Normally magician don't reveal their tricks  :))
Anyway its so simple ...that its hard to arrive at in the first place.

Also I have tried to replicate your Holo display..but am not yet there...will continue to experiment

I understood the basic idea ...of using possibly 2D meshes..but I have some problem with the rendering...."two sided" or "one sided" 2D mesh  ? It seems you used one-sided 2D meshes
To avoid that 2D meshes cast shadow on each other in the first image I set the material color in the .mtl  file with minimal transparency
e.g. "color" : "0.639,0.0,0.0,0.92" for the red ...but then I always get the green one rendered in front even though the red mesh is actually in front.
(note that the green one in my case is not a textured 2D mesh but just a green 2D mesh)
On the other hand if I leave it with no transparancy ( color" : "0.639,0.0,0.0,1.0" )   it casts shadow on the green one..which is not the case in your Holo display.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 06:49:44 am by fly77 »


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2020, 10:39:53 am »

Hi andfly !

I found out your magic trick for the digital displays !  ;) Its what I was suspecting ...not sure if I can reveal it. Normally magician don't reveal their tricks  :))

There is no secret to keep!

Numeric displays are actually a series of cylindrical rollers with a texture made of simple digits from 0 to 9.
Obviously you can also put the signs "+" and "-" in the leftmost roller or characters or writings ...
The number to be displayed is converted into a string and the characters are extracted one at a time.
The numeric value of each character is used to determine the appropriate cylinder rotation for that digit.
It is not a new idea ... before the mass electronics was widespread it was a system widely used for all apparatuses that had to display numbers mechanically, using extremely ingenious and complicated gear systems.

Making a transparent screen is also very simple.
You can use a 2D mesh but I prefer 3D (very thin) because, in this way, it is also seen from behind.
If you use 2D mesh the screen can only be seen from one side, on the other it will be completely invisible (it could be useful in particular cases).
The play of transparency is given by a suitable opacity texture.
The main texture of the screen is created (better if simple, even better if of uniform color and, in any case, with clean lines without gradients).
You save it (in dds) as DXT1 and use it as tex.albedo.
Then the colors are inverted (if monochromatic it is convenient to transform it into black and white and make the negative)
Save the negative as BC4 / ATI1 and use it as tex.opacity.
In Outerra only the "albedo" part will be visible and the rest will be transparent.
I also made non-monochrome screens ... sometimes the result satisfied me other times it was a mess ... you have to try.
Even the mobile indexes are small 3D objects with very low thickness.
At the beginning I had made them semi-transparent and positioned behind the screen then I preferred to put them in front of the screen to take advantage of the possibility of emissive textures, which can also be seen in the dark without needing to be illuminated.
How to avoid the shadow ?    Simple, the indexes should be positioned very close to the screen almost touching it.
Unfortunately, a screen built in this way should be illuminated.
You cannot use emissive textures to not lose the transparency effect given by the opacity texture.

Good job   :)
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2020, 01:36:09 pm »

Thank you andfly for the explanation !  Surely I will use these features in some of my future mods... Meanwhile learning how to fly your sphere and start of for new adventures...in "jule verne" style  ^-^


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2020, 01:45:41 pm »

I'm getting "assertion failed in app 3977 ...function: app elevation over terrain"  each time I spawn the SPHERE...wasn't like that before...strange.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2020, 03:21:28 pm »

Really strange ...
It makes me think of a mistake in calling the method:

 $ world.elevation_above_terrain_layers

to determine if we're flying over water even when it's not the sea ...
(I haven't used any other commands with the word "elevation" for the rest of the script).
It is used not to carry out the automatic descent of the trolley in case of immersion in rivers and lakes.
Maybe this is a somewhat delicate method?
Maybe you already had some of your models running using this method?
Maybe he can't stand calls that "overlap" ???

I don't know what to think, for me everything continues to work as before ...

If you do not find guilty or other solutions, you can always disable the call to the method by marking lines 824-826 of the script as a "comment".
I think the only drawback is that if you go down to sea the trolley remains retracted, if instead you go down to a lake the trolley goes down.

But then do not claim for rust .... the warranty expires when tampering is made!
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2020, 04:40:53 pm »

commented out the lines with world elevation above terrain layers...same problem..now it seems I get instantly projected far away into intergalactic space and the the error occurs again.
Seems that there is an infinite propulsion force active...just a guess  =|
So if I get so far into outer space of course he can't determine elevation above terrain..which terrain ?  ???    :D



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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2020, 04:54:32 pm »

OK ...I set all engines off ..this.fdm['fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[...]=0 ; wherever this command occurs
now I'm no longer projected instantly lightyears away into outer space :D
So I'll look how I can "slowly" turn back on the engines to get back to normal flight.

hmm..of course now I'm just dropping towards the ground. I started some 100 km above ground and when I reach maybe 10 km above (don't know exactly) again everything freezes into assertion above terrain error.  Will need also to comment out again the elevation_above_terrain lines...

Ah...when I drop reaching around2000-3000  ...Altitude displays   NaN !  and everything freezes with assertion...terrain error...even with elev lines commented out

So I need to land on the mount everest to avoid outerra getting froozen  !

Indeed I can land safely on the mount everest..but SPHERE doesn't want to fly in the lower atmosphere..near humans !

So now I try again leaving  this.fdm['fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[...] active and take off from mount everest

YES... I can take off from mount everest !

so now I'll try to take of from a lower altitude..lets say ...monte bianco...or just trying to fly lower now that I am inflight

ooh..downward thrust impossible..locked above 0 ..it goes just up...ehm OK I need to look for the manual ! :D

OK...descending towards the chinese coast....approaching 2000 m...reached 2000 m.. the SPHERE freezes again!  assertion above terrain error..same as before...so there is something activating at 2000 m which causes problems

repeated again ..this time taking of from monte bianco..descending southwards to italian plane..again 2000 m above ground ..stops working (this time the elev command lines were nto commented out...so its not a problem of these code lines beeing active or inactive..somewhere else a 2000 threshold creates problems)

but for today enough..its late already...time to sleep
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 05:38:22 pm by fly77 »


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Re: SPHERE Multifunctional vehicle
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2020, 05:55:58 pm »

Probably need to reinstall outerra..it had also some other problems lately for me.
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