As for the tank gun controlls, I remembered the WHS mod for ARMA3 had a really well done T72B1 gun sighting made. Not sure how many will understand, but the premise ( and it was based on the real thing workings ), there is a red circle, witch indicated the rangefinder laser pos. You would "rad" the target with it to get the distance and the up/down movable gunsight would automatically set its balistics-corrected position on the sight for proper aiming. It also has different profiles for all the munition that is available, so none Is hitting the same and were corrected to aviable data on them to be realistic. Its a oldschool sight and its friendly to be used without the balistic computer and power if necessary .... Abramses have a much more smarter sight, so they do also on the fly correction to windage at the same time ... also using LCDs so the whole setting textures of the crosshairs didnt have to be a thing ... so making a special overlay for external view ( lets say set an inch before the real sight position on the Abrams , looking like the real deals on-screen would for the gunner ) and as the sight doesn have to move crosshaisr around for this tech spiked traccked box boy, it would just be static on the target, get the data and corrections right and fire pecisely. ... doe, would need a way to get the rangefinder working. I did see TitanIM had that working well for their guided weapon sighting system sim so, Im sure its already a possible thing.
The russian arma boi sight for refference :
Some Abrams Thermal action :
P.S.: Damn, those destructable buildings give me some old ideas back in my head, it was basically one of the ideas with the old soviet style, generated buildings. As they are "panneled", those pannels could have a few destroyed state models for both static and physics usable debree replacing the correct pannels from the original generated building. ( plus some simple static test, that ould collapse the upper floors if much space in a hi-rise would be destroyed ) Idea was also, that it could have an "fire" simulation. Based on ammount and type of furniture, it would "smoke" the rooms of an appartment one by one ( setting time of burning also on the variables of numbers and types of furniture ), or "jump" over to nearest appartments, where the walls were destroyed between them, replacing the interrior to have a "burned" texture swap after the fire done its job. Its a lot of work on the modelling and texturing part tho.

But the design of the piecess of the building would allow to make further developement, for piecess of the building be toppled. Simply taking the generated part of the layout that should "topple", replace all the parts with destroyed pannels to form it and spawn them in a "glued" batch as an physical object, that would fall off.