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Author Topic: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)  (Read 36134 times)


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2021, 04:13:05 pm »

As promised I here finally release the repair and upgrade of the abrams tank for the new (64bit) outerra version.
besides making it again functional I added a very useful external view targeting cross.

Download the new mod from here:

The download contains:
The tank mod otx file  abrams-tank-2021-upgrade.otx
The plugin file  fly77_plugin.dll
Four folders: "fly77", "outerra", "marco" , "evaporable"

Important note:
before installing verify wether you have installed any of my previous versions of the tank or not and in case uninstall them (steps 1 below) to avoid any problems with the tank installation.
Note: if you skip the steps in 1) the new installation should still work but it potentially contributes to generate confusion, especially if you try to use distructible buildings.
Plus in case something goes wrong it will be harder to find the cause as you will have both new and old versions of some stuff.

So if you have any of my previous abrams tank versions installed (recognizable by its fly77 icon in the F3 menu) proceed as follows

1) remove my old version files of the fly77 abrams tank
to do so:
- remove  global_variables_plugin.dll form  the Anteworld/plugin folder in case you have it
(its my previous version of my plugin so don't worry ..you can safely remove it, you won't remove any outerra system files)
if you have them
- remove box1x1 , box2x1 , box4x1, box8x1 , wall , window  from   Anteworld/packages/outerra folder
- remove box-set , wall , window from  Anteworld/packages/marco/box-set 
- remove abrams_m1a2_fly77, box-set , wall , window from  ..userfolder../Outerra/packages/fly77

2) install the new version as follows:
copy fly77_plugin.dll into Anteworld/plugin folder
copy paste (and in case, accept overwrite) missile3, flare , bullet , box1x1 , box2x1 ,  box4x1 , box8x1 , wall, window into   Anteworld/packages/outerra folder 
(its my previous version so don't worry ..you can safely overwrite  it)
copy paste box1x1 , box2x1 , box4x1 , box8x1 , wall, window  into  Anteworld/packages/marco folder
copy paste box1x1 , box2x1 , box4x1 , box8x1 , wall, window  into  user  ..userfolder../Outerra/packages/fly77 folder
copy paste (and in case accept overwrite) into Anteworld/packages/evaporable (its my previous version so don't worry ..you can safely overwrite  it)

3) click on self-installing  abrams-tank-2021-upgrade.otx

4) Final step : One more key is used in this upgrade, used to show/hide the tank icon in left-bottom of the screen. To set up this key:
in outerra keybinding menu (F12) search for "approach"  and associate "U" key  to air/Autopilot/approach

The abrams tank control keys can be found at the beginning of the post, as well as instruction of how to use the gunsight for targeting. In any case they are available ingame by pressing shift+K (help)
(see the videos)

This new upgrade adds an "external targeting cross" for aiming when in external view mode. Its use is explained in the above video.
For instructions of how to use the internal view precision gunsight (as well as destructible buildings ) see the videos at the beginning of the post.
The external view targeting cross  has several colors depending on target point (red if target is terrain, yellow if target is object  ,
blinking blue if target is too near to the tank (<100m) since in these conditions the target cross position for yet unknown reasons is unreliable.

Also there is now a new very schematic tank icon in the left bottom of the screen , showing the tank body as a blue triangle which points in the driving direction, as well as the gun direction.
In case reverse driving is active a red line blinks at the back of the triangle
In case of parking break red lines on the left and right side of the triangle blink
In case the gun autolevel is off a white edge blinks on the gunline...for playing its best to keep gun autolevel always on (press P key)

Important note: to get familiar with the tank controls I suggest you to keep open the key-help menu (shift+K) which in addition to key help also displays important info on ammunition, tank state and targets.
You can hide it by pressing shift+K again. Similarly I warmly suggest you to keep visible the tank icon in the left bottom corner, especially while playing. So be sure taht you
have successfully associated the "U" key to the keybindings as described above.

To set up destructible buildings in the scenery editor (F7) under assets search for box or wall or window
There should be box folders of type box1x1 box2x1 box4x1 and box8x1  they come in three varieties with different icons...a "fly77" icon, a "marco" icon and "active" icon.
To build the building use the "fly77" version only. The others are used by the tank mod and are generated automatically as temporary objects.
Similarly when searching for "wall" and "window" under assets they come with three icons...again use only the ones with "fly77" icon to build the scenery.

Note: i didn't manage to completely fix a bug in the destructible building so when shooting at such buildings eventually more parts will be generated than initially present.
However most of the times it is not that noticeable and everything will be reset to normal when restarting outerra.

Enjoy !

For any problems don't hesitate to report them.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 04:33:27 pm by fly77 »


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2021, 03:28:33 am »

blowing up stuff is addictive....so is constructing stuff  =D



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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2021, 03:35:48 am »

......and blowing it up again   =D  =D =D



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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2021, 04:18:27 am »

Thank you fly, I sadly get an error and Outerra will not start. I am sure I followed the steps correctly, as before here is my log.


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2021, 04:48:30 am »

Seems you have several types of errors:
Cannot find geometry name "box2x1" (D:/Outerra/Anteworld/packages/marco/box-set/box2x1.objdef)
8:40:19.837 WARNING: [metastream] marco/box-set/box4x1.objdef:8 : warning: obsolete variable 'strict'
8:40:19.837 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "box4x1" (D:/Outerra/Anteworld/packages/marco/box-set/box4x1.objdef)

These errors related to marco/box-set/  are because you previoulsy had created some scenery with my box-set elements and now that you deleted it it gives an error..it should however not lead to an outerra crash

Then there are errors which seem to indicate that you have some of your own mods missing , that probably you used in the past to build some scenery and now are no longer in your C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/  folder

The easy way to fix all these (if you don't mind loosing custom sceneries you have set up ) is to delete the scenery cache file
before deleting it back it up.

The longer way is to find all those mods and put them back into the folders they are supposed to be like indicated in the eng.log

It seems that you have not yet spawned the tank as i can't see any indication in the log...
its strange though that outerra crashes.And the tank seems not the cause for it as you didn't spawn it.

if the crash generates a crash report (crash report pop up window) you can send it to the developers

 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "SketchUp" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/church/SketchUp.objdef)
8:40:20.676 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "house_001" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/house1/house_001.objdef)
8:40:20.678 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "Group_001" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/house2/Group_001.objdef)
8:40:20.679 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "house_4_low" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/house4 low/house_4_low.objdef)
8:40:20.687 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_001" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_001.objdef)
8:40:20.687 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_002" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_002.objdef)
8:40:20.687 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_003" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_003.objdef)
8:40:20.687 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_004" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_004.objdef)
8:40:20.687 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_005" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_005.objdef)
8:40:20.687 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_006" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_006.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_007" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_007.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_008" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_008.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_009" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_009.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_010" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_010.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_012" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_012.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_013" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_013.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_014" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_014.objdef)
8:40:20.688 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "trunk_015" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/log_pile/trunk_015.objdef)
8:40:20.694 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "Layer_PCYLINDER42" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/panther g/Layer_PCYLINDER42.objdef)
8:40:20.694 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "Layer_PCYLINDER43" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/panther g/Layer_PCYLINDER43.objdef)
8:40:20.694 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "Object02" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/panther g/Object02.objdef)
8:40:20.694 ERROR: Cannot find geometry name "Panther_G001" (C:/ProgramData/Outerra/packages/murkz/panther g/Panther_G001.objdef)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 04:58:01 am by fly77 »


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2021, 05:00:37 am »

Sorry to have wasted your time, it was my old stuff that I put back into Outerra. Nothing to do with your Abrams tank and thank you for the update.


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2021, 02:48:13 am »

It is my pleasure to release an upgraded version of my tank mod and destructible builings.
It comes as simple one-click otx self-installing otx pack file plus the last version of my fly77plugin.

the pack features:
- the abrams tank
- a random procedural destructible building generator
- an animated target marker

download the mod from here:

1) click on the self-installing abrams-tank-pack-2021.otx file
2) drop the fly77_plugin.dll file into Anteworld/packages/plugins folder

Enjoy !

« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 02:55:04 am by fly77 »


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2021, 02:59:43 am »

Classic Outerra* music.  :))
"Perhaps this speaks to some larger trend within society today...  A prevailing desire on the part of indie developers to recreate the entire world into one where you can charge more than $15 for your game design degree coursework." - Yahtzee ;) :P


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2021, 03:38:31 am »



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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2021, 04:45:26 am »

note: you can drag/drop/copy/combine/nest/edit the houses in the editor to create door openings, rooms, etc..Decorate with my different tiles and any furniture you have available ! Also you can add my active lightbulbs and Allymotor's japanese lamp...waiting for more furniture to come  ;) 

« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 04:53:02 am by fly77 »


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2021, 09:39:10 am »

As for the tank gun controlls, I remembered the WHS mod for ARMA3 had a really well done T72B1 gun sighting made. Not sure how many will understand, but the premise ( and it was based on the real thing workings ), there is a red circle, witch indicated the rangefinder laser pos. You would "rad" the target with it to get the distance and the up/down movable gunsight would automatically set its balistics-corrected position on the sight for proper aiming. It also has different profiles for all the munition that is available, so none Is hitting the same and were corrected to aviable data on them to be realistic. Its a oldschool sight and its friendly to be used without the balistic computer and power if necessary  .... Abramses have a much more smarter sight, so they do also on the fly correction to windage at the same time ... also using LCDs so the whole setting textures of the crosshairs didnt have to be a thing ... so making a special overlay for external view ( lets say set an inch before the real sight position on the Abrams , looking like the real deals on-screen would for the gunner ) and as the sight doesn have to move crosshaisr around for this tech spiked traccked box boy, it would just be static on the target, get the data and corrections right and fire pecisely.  ... doe, would need a way to get the rangefinder working. I did see TitanIM had that working well for their guided weapon sighting system sim so, Im sure its already a possible thing.

The russian arma boi sight for refference :

Some Abrams Thermal action :

P.S.: Damn, those destructable buildings give me some old ideas back in my head, it was basically one of the ideas with the old soviet style, generated buildings. As they are "panneled", those pannels could have a few destroyed state models for both static and physics usable debree replacing the correct pannels from the original generated building. ( plus some simple static test, that ould collapse the upper floors if much space in a hi-rise would be destroyed ) Idea was also, that it could have an "fire" simulation. Based on ammount and type of furniture, it would "smoke" the rooms of an appartment one by one ( setting time of burning also on the variables of numbers and types of furniture ), or "jump" over to nearest appartments, where the walls were destroyed between them, replacing the interrior to have a "burned" texture swap after the fire done its job. Its a lot of work on the modelling and texturing part tho.

 But the design of the piecess of the building would allow to make further developement, for piecess of the building be toppled. Simply taking the generated part of the layout that should "topple", replace all the parts with destroyed pannels to form it and spawn them in a "glued" batch as an physical object, that would fall off. 

« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 10:19:15 am by PytonPago »
We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2021, 11:07:06 am »

about gunsights I always struggle to understand how they work in real life and also I have some difficulty in programming gunsights. I tried many times but it never worked out right. ..that's why I settled for the simplest solution, which still includes however ballistics , but at a level of a nobrainer, focussing on having fun rather than simulating the exact real thing.

I am impressed how similar my modular buildings look to those soviet panneled buildings, even when destroyed. Of course I could add "destroyed meshes" to the default elements and show hide selected ones as needed, but as you say its a lot of modelling/texturing work..which I am really bad at...as long as its a simple box I can achieve it...but more than that its too hard for me.  =|
The main problem I have is that there is no static collapse in my buildings once the lower elements tumble the upper ones stay intact, floating in the air.
I tried to see what happens when a lot of elements tumble all at once, and the result is very bad : as could be expected the framerate freezes ! So we cannot simulate tumbling of more than a dozen or so elements at a time. Grouping of elements also is difficult as it would require a lot of different "grouped element 3D models" ...while joining prespawned elements I think will not solve the fps problem as they are still separate elements to be rendered and physics computed. Titan-IM solved it I think by making shift highrise buildings down into the ground like 911 collapse....which looks very comic-style and not at all realistic..or they just hide upper elements. The latter solution seems the more reasonable, but it still requires indexing all elements in an ordered manner from bottom to top, keep track somehow of that indexing, and finally an algoritm that decides exactly which ones to hide. With enough thought the latter eventually could be figured out.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 11:37:41 am by fly77 »


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Re: Abrams tank upgrade, destructible buildings and explosions (release)
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2021, 05:10:50 am »

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