CTRL+ K still doesn't work for me, I installed something wrong, plus I'll have to practice more with the camera.
I'll add three little things to the to-do folder.
a) achieve the movement of the thread that is located in the cabin.
b) add pilot in external view, that gives a lot of realism.
c) the most difficult ... I remembered the boats joined together that fly added "train ship", I was thinking if it is possible to design a rope that could be hooked to the Cessna172 with the ASK13, drag it like a train and with a key release it in flight..
difficult truth.
Already better flying ! BUT you need to set the wind higher. I saw 0.9 m/sec ..that's OK for thermal flying but not for ridge flying..but since you didn't see any thermals it should have been 3-4 m/s if you at least want to exploit ridges.
So now about first your problem:
1) "CTRL + k still doesn't work": I can see an error in red a the bottom of the screen. What is it saying exactly ? (open eng.log) I guess it says something that he can't remove .... ..of undefined in script flyf77....that means you placed the "thermal" and "windarrow" in the wrong folder. Make sure that you have dropped the "thermal" and "windarrow" in the right Anteworld/packages/outerra folder...as I know you have different versions installed.
2) "practice more with the camera." yes...but I see you have not redownloaded as still the text of the PLANE info overlaps the info of the camera and so you can't see which camera is active..and so its more easy to get lost. I suggest you to redownload the ASK-13-fly77.otx file again. ..for your small screen.
About things to add:
a) "achieve the movement of the thread that is located in the cabin." very good observation. I tried it but so far couldn't achieve it ..will try again and in case ask for help from Levi who has the original 3D model.
b) "add pilot in external view"....again that is something that needs help from Levi since only he has the 3D model
c) "design a rope that could be hooked to the Cessna172 with the ASK13"...yes that is something I want to do. presently very hard to do but I am experimenting with it...eventually it will need some dirty tricks. I am not there yet. But the problem i snot solved by just designing a working rope. You also would need an AI cessna taking off...too difficult for now....OR..the ability to switch between the glider pilot and the cessna pilot...while taking off stay in the cessna and let the glider do some simple winglevelled flight (autopilot)..Once up in the air switch to the glider, release the rope and let the cessna go...will try this way