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Author Topic: Car radio for legran pack (release)  (Read 11445 times)


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Car radio for legran pack (release)
« on: January 19, 2021, 09:05:26 am »

Finally here it is , my car-radio, or rather car-music player.

You might ask why is this useful ?  Why have a music player in outerra when you can
listen to music on your PC while playing outerra by using just any external music player ?

Well the answer is: an in-game music player will emit the sound actually inside the outerra world.
This means the music (or sounds) will be localizable in space and can be attenuated or amplified
depending on the player's distance from the source or for instance when opening/closing car windows.
Also it is subject to doppler effect when emitted from a moving  object like a car.
In brief: its no longer just a background music, but becomes part of the world-simulation of the game.
Since you can use the player with any soundfile, not just music, you can place different in-game music players
in different locations and let them emit different kinds of custom sounds.

As with any music player you can create your own playlist, just by dropping your music files into a folder.
By default the mod comes with 103 songs of different genres so its a good starting point, but you can allways add your own or substitute
the default songs.
The car radio comes attached to the Bruckel-Legran 1884 pack of 1Wildhyena as
this is the car that I drive most but in next days I will release some other car/truck/bus upgrades with the new camera and radio attached.

here is the demonstrative video:


Download the upgarded legran-pack with included car-radio from here: 

And the default playlist from here:

The first download consists of 3 files
1) fly77-plugin.dll
2) ui folder containing the car-radio pop-up UI image
3) the actual car pack with radio included: legran-car-radio.otx

The second download constains a folder marco/mymusic containing 103 default music files in apropriate format


1) drop the fly77-plugin.dll file into Anteworld/plugins folder and accept overwrite
my old version of the fly77-plugin.dll if you already have it. Any new version is backward compatible.

2) copy the contents of ui folder into Anteworld/ui

3) copy the marco/mymusic folder inside the Anteworld/packages. It will create (if you don't have it already)
the marco folder and place the audiofiles inside a mymusic folder inside the marco folder

4) click on self-installing legran-car-radio.otx. It will create a pack of legran cars with different liveries inside the fly77
user package folder to avoid overwriting the original legran-pack from 1Wildhyena if you want to keep both.
The new legran will be recognizable by a music-play button in its icon.

5) in outerra key binding menu (F12) search for "approach" and associate the "U" key to this entry

The upgraded car model includes:
- corrected speed-gauge
- added missing mipmaps in some textures which produced pink color when debug keys are on
- simplified the package folder structure so that texture files are not stored as duplicates to avoid wasting of memory
- made the car paint slightly less dull
- used the 1Wildhyena's new startup sound but kept the old engine sounds as I like more the old ones

important note: when the legran is spawned due to the necessity to preleoad the audiofiles outerra will appear freezed and the car will eventually not be shown immediately or will be shown without textures for a minute or so (depending on your PC)
Don't worry that is normal, as outerra needs to preload the audiofiles placed in marco/mymusic. The 100 default songs size is about 278 Megabyte
The more songs you drop in this folder the longer the preload will take.
Consider this when creating your own playlist (see below for more details on how to do this)
If the wait is to long for you, just delete some of the audiofiles.

U radio on
shift K show/hide  radio UI
pgup/pgdwn change music volume
. next song (random shuffle)
O open car window
P, shift P change music pitch

ctrl + T playlist menu
arrows up/dwn to switch among songs
left mouse button to select song
note that a selected song in the playlist will continue to play untill you press twice the . key which resumes random shuffle of songs

c default outerra external follow cameras
v driver view / external fixed ground camera view (drive-by)
H increase drive-by camera range
J decrease drive-by camera range
arrows: moving around the camera freely inside and outside the cabin
numpad +/- to zoom in/out camera (useful in drive-by camera mode and eventually in drivers seat)

creating your own playlist:

convert any audiofile that you want to be included into .ogg mono format
.ogg mono format is needed if you want the music, audio be localizable in space inside outerra, exploiting the binaural audio feature of outerra.
If you think you don't need this you can also use .ogg stereo but the sound will not be localized in space.
Note that even if sounds are mono you don't notice this really very much inside outerra as the binaural audio feature of
outerra will still make them sound great...indeed stereo is about localizing sound in space and so is binaural audio.

Since your audiofiles will normally not be in .ogg format you need to convert them first.
A fast and easy way to do this is by using one of the many free online audiofile conversion websites.
The important thing to consider is that it allows you to convert the files to .ogg mono
The website that I used and that does this very fast is


So drop your files into this website, choose convert to ogg and under advanced settings choose "mono".
After conversion download and unzip the package
grab the converted soundfiles and drop them into Anteworld/marco/mymusic folder
One last check: verify that the names of your musicfiles don't contain any of these symbols like ' " \ / . others should be OK. In case rename them.
That's it.
The new songs will be availbale upon restart of outerra.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2023, 11:21:59 am by fly77 »


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Re: Car radio for legran pack (release)
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 10:53:09 am »

great fly as always, and thanks for sharing ..
Over time, could you hear the radio online in real time depending on the country you visit?


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Re: Car radio for legran pack (release)
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 10:57:31 am »

..could you hear the radio online in real time depending on the country you visit?

That is exactly what I am trying to figure out how to do it. At the moment i don't know  ;)


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Re: Car radio for legran pack (release)
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2021, 02:35:28 am »

Thanks to the new hotfix by cameni it is now possible to create mods which are much easier to install, using just a single otx file instead of dropping many different files into different folders

So here is an update of the Legran car-radio that you can install by just clicking on the  legran-car-radio2021.otx  self-installing file.
It already includes the playlist of 100 songs
(that you can expand or substitute as explained above, the only difference beeing that the music files are now stored in the Legran package folder in the mymusic folder) Use of the car-radio remains the same as before (see above)

Don't forget in outerra key binding menu (F12) search for "approach" and associate the "U" key to this entry !


The only other thing you need is the latest version of the fly77-plugin.dll that you can find included in the download.
Drop the file fly77_plugin.dll into "Anteworld/plugins"  folder in the outerra root as usual. Accept overwrite without any problems, as the plugin is backwards compatible with older mods

As before the mod appears as "1984 - 1988 Bruckell LeGran" with a fly77 icon in the F3 menu and there a different liveries of the car.
Note that when you spawn for the first time the Legran-car-radio you will see the this screen for some tens of secs which is normal and just means that it is loading the songs of the playlist

« Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 05:23:08 am by fly77 »


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Re: Car radio for legran pack (release)
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2021, 02:14:59 am »

Important update: 
As noticed by stikehbun there was a bug in the update, not allowing to add your own songs. Fixed it.
So please redownload both the .otx file and the plugin from the last download link
« Last Edit: March 31, 2021, 02:38:28 am by fly77 »


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  • It´s way too complex, dont let me try to explain !
Re: Car radio for legran pack (release)
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2021, 12:18:30 pm »

We are still undeveloped as long as we don´t realize, that all our science is still descriptive, and than beyond that description lies a whole new world we just haven´t even started to fully understand.


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Re: Car radio for legran pack (release)
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2021, 02:47:08 pm »

thanks ! :)