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smokeball (release)

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Not sure what this can be useful for, except for some crazy experiments:
smokeball is a spawnable smoke emitting sphere (you find it under vehicles). Throw it down a hill, watch it bounce around and find out where it will stop.
You can customize the smoke in the same way as for my smoke generators by changing parameters in the objdef.file
for instance change its color, plume size and density
(see below)

download from here:

click on self-installing smokeball.otx file

how to customized the smokeball :
copy paste any of the  smoke folders that you find in packages/fly77 and name the folder with any name.
open the smoke.objdef file inside the folder and edit the values of the parameters:

colore:   is the smoke color number:  0 = red 1 green 2 blue 3 yellow 4 cyan 5 pink 6 white
density: 0.002   is the smoke density: 0-1 keep quite low as density increases fast
fadetime:   this is the lifetime of the plume in secs
brightness:   this is the brighness any value in the range 0-1 , with 1 corresponding to bright and 0 to dark
scale:  radius of smoke bursts in meters
period:  the time interval between single smoke bursts in secs
timeout:  the duration of a single burst in sec. for longer fadetimes choose lower burst duration as otherwise bursts overlap too much and create a too dense plume
speed: value determining how fast the burst spreads (explosiveness) I keep it at 1 or lower since we're not simulating explosion smoke here
Start from the default values and modify them one by one to see the effect

:) :) :)



Fly... I know what you're thinking... fire... we're missing fire in Outer...
 8) ::)

aWac9: do i place the smokeball on the ship??


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