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Author Topic: INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION  (Read 95211 times)


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« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2022, 08:02:21 am »

it looks better, much better... thank you Andfly for your time.
one question... can you tune in the audio signal on the 145800 kHz FM frequency with the ISS station in real time?


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« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2022, 03:02:29 pm »

Much more detailed city lights indeed ! Thanks !  :)
Thanks to you for the feedback.  :)

I have divided the globe into four segments, each with its own texture.
Respecting the size limit for the textures that can be displayed in Outerra (around 40-45 Mb, with DXT1 format compression), I have thus obtained a resolution that is quadruple the previous one.
It could still increase by further dividing the earth's surface and using more textures ... but the "weight" in megabytes and the probable (slight) drop in fps do not recommend it.

If you want to explore the night of the earth in very high resolution, on the NASA website (https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/NightLights) there are 8 maps at a resolution of 21600 x 21600 pixels which, put together, reach the remarkable resolution of 43200 x 86400 pixels for the entire earth's surface!   =D
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2022, 03:19:53 pm »

it looks better, much better... thank you Andfly for your time.
one question... can you tune in the audio signal on the 145800 kHz FM frequency with the ISS station in real time?
There is the possibility of listening to amateur radio broadcasts through the web by connecting to the SDR radio sites ( http://websdr.org/ ).

By consulting the website:  https://www.ariss.org/
or: https://www.amsat-on.be/ariss-calendar-with-scheduled-contacts-by-the-ariss-operation-team/
it is possible to know the calendar of the broadcasts scheduled with the ISS.

A radio will have to be chosen which receives the frequency of 145,800 MHz and which "sees" the space station at the moment of transmission.
Considering that the "visibility" of the ISS, for any ground station, does not exceed ten minutes for each passage, this is a more theoretical than practical procedure, but still feasible.
By preparing, with some advance, the chosen radio and set the frequency and the other listening parameters, we proceed to upload the ISS model on Outerra.
When the transmission becomes audible it will be the background to the exploration of the Space Station and, even if it will not last long, it should be pleasant because it is really "real-time".
However, if you prepare (in advance) the desktop connections to different radio stations that cover the entire globe, you can set the right radio at the right time and continue listening more continuously.

I've never experienced such a thing because I hadn't really thought about it.
You have piqued a curiosity that I will surely experience.
Thank you  :)

Of course...
If there was an online service that reports these broadcasts in streaming ... we should ask our friend fly77 (audio magician) to insert it in the channel database of his car radio!
Unfortunately, I have not found it!    :(
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 04:19:58 am by andfly »
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2022, 12:58:47 pm »




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« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2022, 04:39:25 pm »

ISS FM RADIO LISTENING MODE 145800 Khz Using SDR radio online

I realized that manual radio listening operations are quite complicated because the high speed of the ISS requires rapid changes of radio receiver station.
So I tried to automate the operations by introducing a new simulation mode.
You enter "radio listening" mode with the combination of the keys Ctrl + A.
The program probes the positions of the set receiving stations, chooses the one closest to the Space Station and automatically opens a new page of the brownser with the site of the chosen SDR radio.

At this point it will be up to the user to manually complete the settings that cannot be controlled automatically.

+ Enable audio (not all brownsers do this automatically, often you have to click on an "audio on" or "start audio" button or something similar.
+ Make sure that the listening frequency is the right one (145800 Khz, 2MT band): it should already be set automatically but ... not all SDR radio managers are the same.
+ Set frequency modulation reception (FM button).
+ Adjust the listening volume.
+ If necessary, insert the squelch to eliminate background noise in the absence of signal.

It sounds complicated but, with a little practice, it only takes a few seconds.
Now you can return to the simulation of the ISS by clicking on the Outerra screen that is still open below or on the relative icon in the status bar.
The audio signal of the listening station will be the "background" to the simulation.

Every ten seconds a new check is carried out on the radio closest to the ISS: if the radio is already in use, nothing happens, if the chosen radio is different, a new window will be opened in the brownser with the new radio and the user will repeat the procedure just illustrated, remembering, first of all, to delete the window with the old radio.

In these days of rehearsals to refine the procedures of the program I have not yet received any transmission but, from the readings on the Web, it seems that, sporadically, in the free moments, some astronauts delight in amateur radio broadcasts towards the earth so ... every time could be the good one!
By consulting the calendar of scheduled broadcasts with schools
however, one should have the guarantee of pick up something by listening at the right time.

And now my due thanks to fly77 who, with its Worldradio program, has inspired my work.  :)
I blatantly copied his method (which I did not know) of storing radio station data in a separate json file from the main script, obtaining a file that can be easily edited by anyone without the risk of touching the program.

In this regard it is really advisable, for those who have experience in radio reception, to take a look at the file of the radio stations set (radio_SDR.json in the ISS / Script folder) because the criterion with which I compiled it only takes into account the coverage while it would be preferable to also consider the "performance" of the receiving station based on the equipment and antennas.
It is possible to replace the stations set with other more "performing" ones or add them for better coverage (there are still many free places).
At the site: http://websdr.org/ you can find the list of SDR radios available on the Web.

You can download the updated version of the ISS at the usual link.

Copy the NEW Andfly_plugin.dll located in the data plugins folder
in the plugins folder of the Outerra program
Once again ...

Have fun !!!  :D
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2022, 06:27:17 am »

thanks andfly for your time.. but i haven't been able to hear any conversation yet.. maybe you have to configure the page when you press ctrl+A ?
Thank you.


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« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2022, 10:15:07 am »

Hi aWac9
I haven't even been able to hear anything yet!
I connected to the website of the closest online radio station to Japan that I found: Tianjin CHINA -> https://websdr.mmuaa.com/
during the last scheduled connection of 17 March, with a Japanese school, and I have not received any communication.
I probably deluded myself that it could be easy but it isn't.
The distance between the receiving station and the ISS was about 1500 km or more ... I think "too much" to pick up any signal.
It would take the extremely fortunate chance that the connection happened in the vicinity of an online SDR station.
I am not completely discouraged and I think I will try again at the next scheduled connection, but with a little less enthusiasm ...

However, there remains the possibility of listening to a radio station with a wide range of frequencies when simulating the ISS on Outerra.
You can use it to listen to radio amateurs around the world and other possible communications that these online radios allow.
I also discovered another larger online radio catalog:  https://rx-tx.info/   which can serve to enrich the MOD's "radio_SDR.json" catalog.

As for the configuration ...
When you press Ctrl + A you don't have to do anything, just wait for the program to choose a radio station and open its window on the brownser.
The configuration is done right on the brownser window and, unfortunately, I was unable to make it totally automatic, so it must be done manually.
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2022, 02:54:15 pm »

Hi andfly !
Cool it seems that at least some of these radios have self-playing audiostreams that can be easily configured
for example just pasting into a browser it starts playing and by concatenating strings it should be possible to create a link for interactively adjustable frequency inside outerra

« Last Edit: March 19, 2022, 02:57:02 pm by fly77 »


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« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2022, 05:18:51 pm »

we hear because sound waves come through the air. but in outer space? do you hear anything? NO...absolutely not. you can't hear anything... and what sound does nothing have? I do not know.
Houston, we have a problem. We don't hear anything, I think the radio is broken.


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« Reply #39 on: March 21, 2022, 09:35:03 am »

Hi andfly !
Cool it seems that at least some of these radios have self-playing audiostreams that can be easily configured
for example just pasting into a browser it starts playing and by concatenating strings it should be possible to create a link for interactively adjustable frequency inside outerra

Cool !!   8)
I had not noticed this possibility for the new OpenWebRX, I was left only to the possibility of adding the string  "?tune=145800fm"  to the command line necessary to open the WebSDR page I knew before.
Now I can create an "ad hoc command line" for the type of radio being called up.

As for the possibility of controlling the radio from inside Outerra (as you did for Worldradio) I think it is beyond my capabilities.
In fact, I had circumvented the problem by commanding only the opening of the Web page and leaving the user with the task of fine adjustments.
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2022, 09:46:21 am »

As for the possibility of controlling the radio from inside Outerra (as you did for Worldradio) I think it is beyond my capabilities.
In fact, I had circumvented the problem by commanding only the opening of the Web page and leaving the user with the task of fine adjustments.
In fact you could use eventually my plugin ..there is a function to play audiostreams that cou can call from the outerra script.
I am now at work but I can give some instruction and a tutorial example script as soon as I've got time


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« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2022, 10:47:19 am »

Thank you
I will gladly study it.

However, don't rush ...   ;)
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.


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« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2022, 12:16:22 pm »

in outer space, things are also lost...
I was wondering if the radio receiver ot went in that bag? :)



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« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2022, 02:05:16 pm »

Thank you
I will gladly study it.

However, don't rush ...   ;)

here is my very basic webaudiostream radio ..just featuring the most basic  script to play a single autoplaying web audiostream URL.
enjoy !

unfortunately I found that those RX radio links I mentioned before are actually not working when used in my mod..seems they are actually not audiostreams but rely on the code of the player in the URL  :'(
« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 02:33:32 pm by fly77 »


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« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2022, 05:59:56 am »

eh ... yes ... too bad!   :(

Back then these radios were really in the lost bag ....  =D
« Last Edit: March 23, 2022, 06:09:35 am by andfly »
I do not know the English language. I use Google Translate. I hope it's all understandable.
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