ISS FM RADIO LISTENING MODE 145800 Khz Using SDR radio onlineI realized that manual radio listening operations are quite complicated because the high speed of the ISS requires rapid changes of radio receiver station.
So I tried to automate the operations by introducing a new simulation mode.
You enter "radio listening" mode with the combination of the keys Ctrl + A.
The program probes the positions of the set receiving stations, chooses the one closest to the Space Station and automatically opens a new page of the brownser with the site of the chosen SDR radio.
At this point it will be up to the user to manually complete the settings that cannot be controlled automatically.
+ Enable audio (not all brownsers do this automatically, often you have to click on an "audio on" or "start audio" button or something similar.
+ Make sure that the listening frequency is the right one (145800 Khz, 2MT band): it should already be set automatically but ... not all SDR radio managers are the same.
+ Set frequency modulation reception (FM button).
+ Adjust the listening volume.
+ If necessary, insert the squelch to eliminate background noise in the absence of signal.
It sounds complicated but, with a little practice, it only takes a few seconds.
Now you can return to the simulation of the ISS by clicking on the Outerra screen that is still open below or on the relative icon in the status bar.
The audio signal of the listening station will be the "background" to the simulation.
Every ten seconds a new check is carried out on the radio closest to the ISS: if the radio is already in use, nothing happens, if the chosen radio is different, a new window will be opened in the brownser with the new radio and the user will repeat the procedure just illustrated, remembering, first of all, to delete the window with the old radio.
In these days of rehearsals to refine the procedures of the program I have not yet received any transmission but, from the readings on the Web, it seems that, sporadically, in the free moments, some astronauts delight in amateur radio broadcasts towards the earth so ... every time could be the good one!
By consulting the calendar of scheduled broadcasts with schools, one should have the guarantee of pick up something by listening at the right time.
And now my due thanks to fly77 who, with its Worldradio program, has inspired my work.
![Smiley :)](
I blatantly copied his method (which I did not know) of storing radio station data in a separate json file from the main script, obtaining a file that can be easily edited by anyone without the risk of touching the program.
In this regard it is really advisable, for those who have experience in radio reception, to take a look at the file of the radio stations set (radio_SDR.json in the ISS / Script folder) because the criterion with which I compiled it only takes into account the coverage while it would be preferable to also consider the "performance" of the receiving station based on the equipment and antennas.
It is possible to replace the stations set with other more "performing" ones or add them for better coverage (there are still many free places).
At the site: you can find the list of SDR radios available on the Web.
You can download the updated version of the ISS at the usual link.IMPORTANTCopy the
NEW Andfly_plugin.dll located in the data plugins folder
in the plugins folder of the Outerra program Once again ...
Have fun !!!
![Cheesy :D](