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Author Topic: Waves and trees  (Read 5552 times)


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Waves and trees
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:33:13 am »

So, I was listening to waves breaking on a shoreline while eating breakfast (mac and cheese  :) ) when I started noticing something:

Apparently, the tops of waves are being cut off at some point by the background terrain, but still being rendered on top of trees?
I was able to replicate this after restarting the engine and flying back to where I was (Saint Lawrence river turns into 'ocean'), and also anywhere there were trees on a coastline sufficiently far enough away in the distance.
Hadn't seen a mention of it before anywhere, this a known problem?

Running with 12.2 AMD 6870.


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Re: Waves and trees
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 11:13:00 am »

Never seen it before, thanks for reporting.