Hello! First of all wow, this is an AMAZING engine, I've played for 5 hours straight just exploring and driving around and messing with it, but I'm having some very strange issues, I don't know if this is an easter-egg or some kind of joke, when I mess with the fog options or sun options to make the game darker sometimes I'll find these weird things with eyes, I don't think this is funny at all because I'm scared very easily, I had to exit the game and uninstall it after I took some pictures of them, I was hoping one of you guys could shed some light on this, it's very unsettling and I would like to enjoy this engine with out being scared out of my mind.
Has anyone seen this before?
I've attached pictures, the first two are successive pictures I took and I exited the game right after the second picture, I played a little more before toying with some fog options when I encountered the 3rd pic after driving around, I just exited and un-installed.